

 (a). “The one who follow the crowd will usually get no further than the crowds. The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been” (Albert Elstem). (b) “To make success to happen in life, a person should plan active role” (Frank Philemon) (c) “Risk taking is a weapon, it can help you to fight against the challenges of this world, don’t give up and fight till end” . (d) “Our success comes not from what is around us, but from what is within us, not from what we have, but from what we are”. (e)”Hard working is not a means of Victory, but it gives hope to accomplish our mission through our vision” (f)”Don’t accept others definition of life, it is your life, define it yourself, the way you, love it to be, be yourself, because none knows about you better than you” (g)”If you stand for a reason, be prepared to stand on the ground, fall like a seed, that grow back to fight again”. (h)”Anything without principle (plan) will go randomly” (i)”Th


                                                                                                                          Naanza kwa kuandika kuwa ; “Nayajua mengi kwa kuwa nimempa kila mtu nafasi ya kuwa mwalimu wangu, kila mtu hunifunza kwa yale atakayo. Huwa naheshimu kauli na mawazo ya wote kwa uzito sawa, LAKINI UELEWA NI JUU YANGU” Jua ya kwamba; “Ulemavu wa fikra tulizonazo juu ya maisha na juu yetu wenyewe huzaa mawazo mpauko yasiyoakisi umuhimu na umaana wa utu wetu na malengo yetu. Kuna muda tunafikiri kuwa watu wa aina fulani ndio wawezao kufanya mambo ya maana na yenye maendeleo kwa wao wenyewe, na sisi kujiweka nyuma kwa miakisio ya ubovu wa uteuzi wa fikra sahihi dhidi ya fikra mtambuka. Tunawaza zaidi kuliko kufikiri juu ya hatima ya uzio wa upeo wetu na malengo yetu. Akili zetu hutuongoza katika mwambao wa kukata tamaa na kutojikubali. Tunahangaikia kuona kuliko kutazama na kuyafanya ya mwisho kuwa ya kwanzo. Sisi ni zao la umakini hafifu wenye kichefuc

The Armor of God

The reality of the great controversy, and that we are in a literal battle with a real enemy   ( Eph. 6:11 ) , is revealed by Paul's use of war imagery in   Ephesians 6:1-24 . Read   Ephesians 6:11-17 . What do these verses tell us about how real, and personal, the battle is? It is not what the various pieces of armor are all about but rather what they represent that counts. Notice that Paul stresses that we need to take   all of the armor , not just selected pieces of it. In so doing we will remain standing   ( Eph. 6:13 ) , a metaphor used in the Bible to describe innocence in judgment   (compare with   Ps. 1:5 ) . In other words, we will be victorious. What holds all the armor in place is the belt, used as a metaphor for the truth   ( Eph. 6:14 ) . So, the truth is what holds all our spiritual defenses in place. Jesus often talked about truth   ( John 1:14 ,  17 ;  4:24 ;  8:32 ;  14:6 ) . The breastplate of righteousness follows   ( Eph. 6:14 ) ; "righteousne


Abstract Alfred Wegener was an accomplished German natural scientist in the fields of meteorology, astronomy, and geology. He was also a skilled balloonist and participated in three scientific expeditions to Greenland. His primary research interest was in the relatively new field of meteorology. He held several academic or research positions in Germany before taking the Chair of meteorology and geophysics at the University of Graz in Austria in 1924. Wegener's most notable scientific contribution was a unified theory for the origin of continents. His mobilist idea of drifting continents contrasted sharply with the contemporary view of fixed continents and a rigid, shrinking Earth. Wegener first presented his theory of continental drift in 1912 at a meeting of the German Geological Association. In 1915, he published his evidence and conclusions in a now-classic book,  Die entstehung der kontinente und ozeane  (The origin of continents and oceans). Wegener proposed that all