Henry Lawrence Gantt: (USA, 1861 – 1919): H.L Gantt was born in 1861. He graduated from John Hopkins College. For some time, he worked as a draftsman in an iron foundry. In 1884, he qualified as a mechanical engineer at Stevens Institute. In 1887, he joined the Midvale Steel Company. Soon, he became an assistant to F.W Taylor. He worked with Taylor from 1887 - 1919 at Midvale Steel Company. He did much consulting work on scientific selection of workers and the development of incentive bonus systems. He emphasized the need for developing a mutuality of interest between management and labor. Gantt made four important contributions to the concepts of management: 1.Gantt chart to compare actual to planned performance. Gantt chart was a daily chart which graphically presented the process of work by showing machine operations, man hour performance, deliveries, effected and the work in arrears. This chart was intended to facilitate day-to-day production planning. 2.Task-and-bon...