

HUMAN ACTIVITIES’ SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. “Hydro-electric power (HEP) supply in Tanzania is a problem”. What are the causes? 2. Explain the problems facing mining industry in Tanzania 3. “Human activities may result in desertification”. Give suggestions on how to solve the problems of desertification. 4. Describe the importance of tourism in our economic development. 5. “Economic development in Tanzania and other countries depends much on transport” Briefly explain. 6. “The use of fuel wood as a source of energy among Tanzanians will continue for many years to come”. By giving five points, briefly explain why. 7. “Wind power is renewable and free from pollution through it has some problems”. Explain five problems facing production of wind power. 8. Suggest five ways of improving the hydroelectric power supply in Tanzania. 9. With six points show how a long distance to and from water sources can affects girls. 10. Briefly discuss five points on the importance of manufac


Topic: TOURISM What is tourism? Tourism is defined as the movement of people from one place to another either for studies, pleasure, leisure or business.  Scope of Tourism The scope of tourism is regarded as social, cultural, political and economic aspects/activities. Types of Tourism There are two main types of tourism. (a)     Domestic tourism. (b)     International tourism. (a) Domestic tourism Is the type of tourism that involves the movement of people from one place to another within a country.  This can be from Mwanza to Lindi, as an example. (b) Interaction tourism Is the type of tourism that refers to the movement of people from one country to another country or one continent to another continent. This can be from Tanzania to Kenya, Switzerland to Indonesia or Africa to Europe, Australia to North America. Factors Influencing the Development of Tourism in any country in the World These factors can both be political, social, culture and


TOPIC : ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND MANAGEMENT What is environment? Environment is all external conditions surrounding an organism and which have influence over its behavior or activities. OR; Environment refers to all things that surrounding human being. Classification of Environment (a)     The past environment (b)      The current environment (c)     The future environment The Past Environment Is the sum of all external conditions surroundings the human being after the current environment. This give to the organism, which are seen to day The Current Environment Are all external conditions surrounding the organism currently. It moulds the organism of tomorrow. The Future Environment Is the sum of all external conditions expedited to surround the organism in future. This mould the organism after their passage through the two previous named environment. Components of Environment There are two components of environment, namely; 1. The living c