What is tourism?
Tourism is defined as the movement of people from one place to another either for studies, pleasure, leisure or business. 

Scope of Tourism
The scope of tourism is regarded as social, cultural, political and economic aspects/activities.

Types of Tourism
There are two main types of tourism.
(a)    Domestic tourism.
(b)    International tourism.

(a) Domestic tourism
Is the type of tourism that involves the movement of people from one place to another within a country.  This can be from Mwanza to Lindi, as an example.

(b) Interaction tourism
Is the type of tourism that refers to the movement of people from one country to another country or one continent to another continent. This can be from Tanzania to Kenya, Switzerland to Indonesia or Africa to Europe, Australia to North America.

Factors Influencing the Development of Tourism in any country in the World
These factors can both be political, social, culture and economic factors. The following are some of the factors that encourage the development of tourism in any country.

1. Present of Good climatic conditions.                                                                                                        Good climatic conditions in a particular area may influence for the development of tourism.

2. Availability of attractive scenery.  
The presence of attractive landscapes or scenery also may influence for the development of tourism in a particular country.

3. Presence of historical sites.
Also historical sites may attract tourists hence development of tourism in the country. Example of historical site is Kondoa Irangi in Tanzania.

4. Presence of national parks
Availability of national parks in the country also act as the factor for the development of tourism because, national parks tend to influence and attract for the visit of tourists in a such area. Example of national park is Ngorongoro in Tanzania.

5. Availability of capital
Presence of enough capital that can be used for investment in tourism industry also is the factor that can influence for the development of tourism industry in the country.

6. Political stability
Presence of peace in the country may attract and influence tourists from different areas to visit a particular country. Absence of civil wars, tribal wars, religion wars and terrorism in the country may influence for the development of tourism.

7. Supportive government policy
If there is government policy that encourages tourism development in the country, may influence for the development 0f tourism in the particular country.

8. Advancement of transport and communication
In addition, the availability of good transport and communication in the country tend to encourage high number of tourists to inflow in the country.

9. Presence of accommodation facilities
These accommodations facilities like hotel, lodge and guesthouse are one among of the factors that influence for development of tourism in any country. These accommodations facilitate and ensure tourists to get places for leisure, pleasure and rest to the touristic areas.

Importance of Tourism in any country in the World.
Tourism industry has the following importance in any country in the world.
(1) Tourism is the source of employment. Tourism industry acts as the source of employment to the people in the country.

(2) Tourism is the source of foreign currencies. Tourism industry acts as the source of foreign currencies in any country, which are used by the go averment for exportation of products and raw materials.

(3) It led to the improvement of infrastructure. Tourism influence for the improvement transport system in the country.

(4) Tourism is important in facilitating the improvement of social services. Sources services like hospitals, school are improved due to the development of tourism industry, because all money earned by the government can be invested in the provision of social services.

(5) It strengthens international relation among the country. This is through movement of people/tourists from one country to another hence, development of international relations among the people of countries.

(6) It promote for the rapid improvement of science and technology in the country. This is due to the interaction of the people that provides chance for technological diffusion between the people in the country and tourists.

(7) Tourism promoted for the development of other economic sectors. Like agriculture, trade and exhibition.

(8) Tourism facilitate for the environmental conservation. Nation parks, nation reserves, historical sites and other sceneries that act as touristic attraction tend to be proper protection hence, improvement of environmental conservation.

(9) Tourism acts as source of government revenue. The governments in a particular country earn revenues in different way in the tourism in industry.

Impacts of Tourism in any country in the Word.
Tourism has positive and negative impacts in the world (any country in the world)

Positive Impacts of Tourism
In the side of positive impacts of tourism, use points from the importance of tourism in any country in the world.

Negative Impact of Tourism
The following are some of the negative effects/ impacts/disadvantage of tourism industry in any country in the world;
1. Tourism discourage for the development of other economic activities, like mining, Lumbering.

2. Tourism leads to the destruction of culture. For example, Most of Africa cultures are destructed by western culture due to the high interaction of people that caused by tourism industry.

3. Tourism leads to the environmental destruction and soil erosion. This is due to the frequent movement of cars and people to the touristic areas.

4. Tourism influences the spread of diseases. Tourisms may influence the spread of spread of dieses both sexual and communicable diseases. Tourists may spread diseases both sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) and other communicable disease like TB and Ebora. Example of STD is HIV/AIDS.             
5. Tourism cause to the overpopulation in an area. Touristic area tends to be overpopulation because these areas attract many people in touristic centers.

6. Running tourism industry, it is very expensive. Tourism industry needs huge capital to be invested, hence may cause to the decline of other economic sectors.

7. Facilitate to the increase of crimes
8. Cause for the moral decay to the indigenous

Ways Addressing/solving the Negative Impacts of Tourism.
The following are to the some of the solution to the negative impacts caused by tourism industry; (a) Visitors or tourists must be taught culture of the natives in order to avoid cultural interference or destruction.
(b) Reducing the member of visitors and natives in order to conserve the environment.
(c) There should be the enforcement of laws to the touristic centers in order to avoid crime in the touristic areas.
(d) The government should enforce laws that may lead to the protection from spread of diseases. For example, every tourist/visitors should be checked his/her health condition to testify that she/he is not affected by any disease.
(e) Native should be given education to practice other economic activities instead of depending on tourism industry as the source of income.
(f) The government should not much invest on tourism industry rather than other economic sector and social services.

Green Tourism/Eco-Tourism
Defined as the integrated approach that involves carrying out tourism activities with minimum negative impact on the natural environmental.
Green tourism /eco -tourism improves the integration of tourism with ecology (ecosystem)

In this topic, case studies will be; Switzerland (in Europe), Namibia and Tanzania (from Africa).

Switzerland is located at the central Europe. Areas mostly visited are the Swiss plateaus (of Lausanne, Geneva, Bern, and Zurich), Lakeshores and Ticino Mountains with town like Lucerne and Lugarno.

Factor Favoring the Development of Tourism in Switzerland.
(1) Good Geographical location: Switzerland is located at the centre of Europe; hence, it becomes the centre of tourism industry to all European Countries.
(2) Presence of Beautiful scenery: For example, the presence of Alps Mountains that are found in Alps ranges is the factor that attracts tourism in Switzerland. Plains also are the factor for tourism attraction.
(3) Presence of favorable climate: The General climate of Switzerland is cold snowy winters and warm sunny summer’s sports such as skiing and ice skating as well as Swimming and Sunbathing.

(4) Presence of Good transport infrastructure: Like railways, Roads, harbors and Airports.

(5) Presence of Accommodation: Availability of accommodation like, Hotel, lodges, cottage camping site and guesthouse are the factors that influence tourism development in this country.
(6) Political stability in the country: Also, this factor support for the development of tourism     
 in Switzerland.
(7) Hospitality: The Swiss people are hospitable and the personnel handling tourists are well trained and efficiency.
(8) Is the centre of international meeting: Many towns in Switzerland are used to host international convection like Geneva, Bern and Zurich. People attending these convections also take time off to tour the country.

The Significance/importance of Tourism in Switzerland.
1.      Source of employment.
2.      Source of foreign currencies
3.      Improves international relations.
4.      Source of Government Revenue.
5.      Facilitate for the environmental conservation.
6.      Facilitate the development of science and technology.

Problems facing tourism in Switzerland.
1.      During winter heavy block movement on roads, railways and Runways
2.      Heavy competition from other countries like U.S.A is Switzerland facing.
3.      Environmental pollution because some to tourists throw litter on the environment.
4.      Faced with landslides, avalanches those are very dangerous to the tourists.
5.      Tourism industry in Switzerland is faced with heavy competition from other sectors like manufacturing industry among others.

Namibia is located in South Africa; its climate is desert because it is mostly covered by Namibia desert and Kalahari Desert. Major touristic attractions in Namibia include; The Cape cross, Seal reserve, and national parks.

Factors favoring the development of tourism in Namibia.
1. Improved infrastructures
2. Strong tourism policy. Policy that encourage for the development of Tourism in Namibia (government support)
3. Presence of may touristic attraction. Like National parks, plateaus among others.
4. Great advertisement done by the government and private sectors.
5. Regional Co-operation. Namibia is the member of SADC hence through the Regional Tourism organization of the southern African countries (RETOSA) Namibia is getting advantage for the growth of tourism.

The Importance of Tourism in Namibia.
1.      Is the source of Revenue to the government
2.      Enable Namibia improves social services
3.      Namibia solved the problem of the unemployment
4.      Facilitated for development of international relation
5.      Encouraged for the Environmental protect in Namibia
6.      Ensured for the development of gross production(GDP) in the country
7.      Namibia is earning more foreign currencies

Problems/Challenges/limitation facing tourism Industry in Namibia.

(1)   High competition from Agricultural sector. Because the government of Namibia is over emphasizing on Agricultural production.
(2)   High competition in the market from other African countries. Especially from south Africa and Botswana
(3)   Poor implementation of tourism policy. The government is non effectively implementing on the tourism policy
(4)   Lack of skilled personnel over Tourism Management
(5)   Poor investment in touristic sector industry. Government and Private sectors are not more investing in tourism like in other sectors.

Tanzania is the country that found in African continent, is among of the East Africa countries that involving in tourism industry. Tanzania is the one of the leading country in tourism attractions, which has a lot of National parks, National game and beautiful sceneries.

Tourism attraction in Tanzania are, National parks like Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Mikumi, and National games like Selous and beautiful sceneries like rivers, lakes, beaches, Mountains and forests.

Factors favoring tourism development in Tanzania.
Tanzania has different factors that favor for the development of tourism, some of them are;
1.      Peace and harmony. Tanzania is the peaceful country that has no political instability. Tanzania has no civil war, religion war, tribe wars that may be seemed as the limiting factor for the tourists to come in Tanzania. This is the factor for tourism development of in the country.
2.      Hospitality of the people of Tanzania. Tanzanians have high degree of hospitality as well as the personals that serving to the tourism industry have high degree of hospitality, hence this is the reason that makes for the development of tourism in the country.
3.      Government support. The Tanzania government do support for the development of tourism in the country both through investment and advertisement.
4.      Presence of tourism attraction. The presence of tourism attraction in the country in one way or another facilitate for the development of tourism industry in Tanzania. Tourism attraction like National parks and games, Mountains, beaches, lake, River to mention by a few.
5.      Conducive climate. Good climatic condition in the country, also in the factor for the development of tourism in Tanzania. Tanzania is found to the area of tropic of capricon that favor for the tourism development.
6.      Availability of capital. The availability of capital for the government to invest in tourism industry. Also in the reason for the development of tourism in the country.
7.      Presence of historical sites. Presence of historical site like Bagamoyo ruins and Oldvai George and other archeological sites like Ismila in Iringa are examples that favor Tanzania to be the leading country in East African countries in tourism sector. 

Problem Facing Tourism Industry In Tanzania.
These are the challenges that hinder tourism industry to be developed. The following are some of the problems that facing tourism industry in Tanzania;
1. Shortage of capital. Inadequate of capital to be invested in the tourism industry is the problem that challenging the sector of tourism.
2. Poor transport and communication. The system of infrastructures and communication are not well improved hence lead to the challenges in the development of tourism in the country.
3. Poor marketing. This is due to the poor advertisement and promotion of Tanzanian tourism in the world’s tourism market, hence Tanzania not much known on having many tourism attractions in the country.
4. Poor tourism policies. The policies of tourism in the country are not well developed and implement, hence said to be the problem on tourism development in the country.
5. Crime. Presence of crime around touristy areas is the problem that facing Tanzania in the sector of tourism. Crime like robbery, theft and sometime attacks in the tourism camps is the challenging issue.
6. Increase of population. There is a high population around the tourism caters, that lead to the destruction of tourism attractions also is the challenge that facing tourism industry in Tanzania.
7. Competition from other economic sectors. Tourism industry in Tanzania is facing high competition from other sector like agriculture, mining,  among others, hence many personnel are employed in such sectors, leaving the sector of tourism with no skilled labors.
8.  Competition from other countries. Tanzania is facing competition from other country like Kenya, Uganda, Congo mentioning by few, hence lead to the low number of tourists in the country.

Ways of Increasing Income from Tourism Industry in Tanzania
1.      Marketing and publicity, Through making advertisement
2.      Promotion of domestic tourism by influencing internal tourism
3.      Expansion of tourism attractions
4.      Provision of tourism education to all stakeholders
5.      Presence of security by preventing crimes in tourism areas an camps
6.      Improvement of infrastructure and communication network
7.      Establishment of package tourism
8.      Well constructed accommodations

How to Promote Tourism in Tanzania.
(1)   There should be an improvement of transport and communication services.
(2)   There should be an improvement of accommodation
(3)   Improvement of both the domestic and international tourism marketing 
(4)   There should be a well trained personal in Tourism sector
(5)   There should be identification of new tourism attraction that are not known
(6)   There should be protection of tourism attractions from destruction
(7)   There should be well-developed policies of tourism industry that have to be implemented effectively.

1. Define the following concepts:
(a)    Tourism
(b)   Eco-tourism (green tourism)
(c)    Honey-pots
(d)   Tourist
2. Mention the followings;
(a)    Ten games reserves in Tanzania
(b)   Ten nation games in Tanzania
3. Outline the factors that encourage the development of tourism in any country
4. Tourism has grown fast now days, give three reasons in short.
5. What is the importance tourism in any country?
6. Show the negative effects of tourism in Tanzania
7. Show the importance of eco-tourism to the local community in Tanzania.
8. Why should the local people be involved in tourist activities? (Give four reasons)
9. Outline the problems facing tourism in East Africa
10. Identify the negative effects of population growth on the tourist industry
11. How does tourism differ from other industries?
12. How can Tanzania improve its tourist industry?
13. “Tourism in Tanzania has a bright future. Why?
14.  Draw a map of Tanzania to show the location of the game reserves and national parks.
15. Mention the tourist attraction (honey-port) in Tanzania.
16. How can the conflict in the nation park be solved?
17. (a) Name three tourism centers in:
                    i.            Tanzania
                  ii.            Switzerland
                iii.            Namibia
      (b) Draw a map of Tanzania and show some of the tourist attractions
18. Explain five ways to address the negative impacts of tourism in Tanzania.
19. Briefly any five factors that contribute to the growth and development of the tourism industry in Switzerland.
20. What problems are facing the tourism industry in Tanzania?
21. Suggest any five ways;
a)      To increase tourism income in Tanzania
b)      To promote tourism in Tanzania


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