

A Comprehensive Study Of Meteorology And Climatology made it to the Best Climatology Books of All Time The best Climatology books of all time. I'm happy to announce that my book, "A Comprehensive Study Of Meteorology And Climatology: (Weather And Climate)", made it to BookAuthority's Best Climatology Books of All Time:… BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support! The book is available for purchase on Amazon. <a class="ba-award" href="… " target="_blank" style="margin:20px; outline:0"><img src="… " style="width:200px; height:183px; border:0" alt="The best Climatology books of all time"/></a>


We all have been in love at one point or the other, it may be one sided or it might be a full-fledged relationship. If you have had breakups in the past, this article will refresh your memories about how you can end up hating a person you love. For those lucky ones who are in a relationship, these might be some tips to keep in mind when you are in a relationship so that you don’t end up hating the person you love. If you keep these things in mind, there might be less chances of getting disappointed and your relationship might flourish. 10- Not Giving Enough Time Relationships solely depend on how much time you give to the other person. If you have lots of ideas planned in your mind for your partner but you do not have enough time to execute them, then that is a problem. Unless you give proper time to your partner things will not change. You might have a lot of important work, but learn to prioritize things. When you do not give the other person enough time, that’s when negative...


By definition, s urveying is the science of gathering, determining, recording and measuring the relative size of human made and natural features on the earth`s surface. Surveying is the science of measuring and record distances, angles and heights on the Earth’s surface to obtain data from which accurate plans and maps are made. Surveying is also the art and science of making or taking measurements both linear and angular on the earth’s surface at different positions for the purpose of producing a plan or map. In other definition; surveying (land surveying) is a science of measuring and recording distances, angles and height on earth’s surface to obtain data by which accurate plans and maps of parts of surface of the earth are made Angular measurement means measuring the distance from a given reference point to an observed object. The distance is measured in a clockwise direction from North. Linear measurement is the distance measured along the surface of the gr...


Absolute Humidity: it is the vapour concentration or vapour density   Adiabatic lapse rate: the lapse rate which occurs when the temperature changes without addition or substitution of energy. Aerosols: these are particulate matters. Air mass: the large body or volume of air with uniform characteristics of temperature and humidity moving or covering a large area and moving along a considerable long distance. Albedo: the ratio between incoming radiation and the amount reflected back into space expressed in percentage.     Altitude: the height of the ground measured from the mean sea level. Anemometer: a tool measuring velocity or speed of wind. Angle of incidence: The angle which rays from the sun strikes the earth’s surface. Anticyclones: Are reverse of depression whereby air circulates away from the centre in a clockwise motion in the northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Aspect: the direction of to which a s...