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Due to the spread of pandemic disease  (Corona - Covic-19), the shipping service for hard copy/paperback books is temporarily suspended until the situation turns out. In caring for and avoiding the spread of Coronavirus through the sending of my books that pass through the hands of several people and various forms of transport, I have come up with a new system of getting  my books in a form of softcopy. In order to get any of my books, use my WhatsApp numbers: +255762426746, or you may reach me through Email:


What features will you add that may increase the benefit offered to your target market? Will the organization use a discriminatory pricing policy for offering these additional benefits? Branding is one of the most important decisions a marketing an entrepreneur can make is about branding. This includes a description of the product and may include more than the physical characteristics. It involves packaging, brand name, price, warranty, image, service, features, and style. Brands are sometimes intangible resources (Brand names, patents, trademark, data bases, copyright or registered deign). It is among and the type of giving your business a name. Just pick a word and then make it as your company’s name. A good example of this is Naxfra . The value of brands in today’s environment is phenomenal. Brands have the power of instant sales; they convey a message of confidence, quality and reliability to their target market. Brands have to be managed well, as some brands can be cash cow


PRODUCTION PLANNING AND SCHEDULING Production planning is the function of establishing an overall level of output, called the production plan. The process also includes any other activities needed to satisfy current planned levels of sales, while meeting the firm's general objectives regarding profit, productivity, lead times, and customer satisfaction, as expressed in the overall business plan. The managerial objective of production planning is to develop an integrated game plan where the operations portion is the production plan. This production plan, then, should link the firm's strategic goals to operations (the production function) as well as coordinating operations with sales objectives, resource availability, and financial budgets. The production-planning process requires the comparison of sales requirements and production capabilities and the inclusion of budgets, pro forma financial statements, and supporting plans for materials and workforce requirements, as well


PRODUCT DESIGN Product design is cross-functional, knowledge-intensive work that has become increasingly important in today's fast-paced, globally competitive environment. It is a key strategic activity in many firms because new products contribute significantly to sales revenue. When firms are able to develop distinctive products, they have opportunities to command premium pricing. Product design is a critical factor in organizational success because it sets the characteristics, features, and performance of the service or good that consumers demand. The objective of product design is to create a good or service with excellent functional utility and sales appeal at an acceptable cost and within a reasonable time. The product should be produced using high-quality, low-cost materials and methods. It should be produced on equipment that is or will be available when production begins. The resulting product should be competitive with or better than similar products on the market in te


NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT The dynamics of markets, technology, and competition have brought changes to virtually every market sector and have made new product development one of the most powerful business activities. The monumental changes that constantly impact commerce have forced companies to innovate with increasing speed, efficiency, and quality. In turn, this has made new product development one of the most complex and difficult business functions. However, firms must innovate in order to survive. The power of innovation is revealed in numerous studies, which show that companies leading their industries attribute about half of their revenues to products developed in the most recent five years. By comparison, companies at the bottom of their industries achieve approximately one-tenth of their sales from new products. A firm's new product development efforts are shaped by its size, as well as the nature of the industry in which it operates. New products may be defined as any


CASH FLOW ANALYSIS AND STATEMENT Cash flow analysis is a method of analyzing the financing, investing, and operating activities of a company. The primary goal of cash flow analysis is to identify, in a timely manner, cash flow problems as well as cash flow opportunities. The primary document used in cash flow analysis is the cash flow statement. Since 1988, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has required every company that files reports to include a cash flow statement with its quarterly and annual reports. The cash flow statement is useful to managers, lenders, and investors because it translates the earnings reported on the income statement—which are subject to reporting regulations and accounting decisions—into a simple summary of how much cash the company has generated during the period in question. "Cash flow measures real money flowing into, or out of, a company's bank account," Harry Domash notes on his Web site, "Unlike repor


MARKETING CONCEPT AND PHILOSOPHY The marketing concept and philosophy is one of the simplest ideas in marketing, and at the same time, it is also one of the most important marketing philosophies. At its very core are the customer and his or her satisfaction. The marketing concept and philosophy states that the organization should strive to satisfy its customers' wants and needs while meeting the organization's goals. In simple terms, "the customer is king". The implication of the marketing concept is very important for management. It is not something that the marketing department administers, nor is it the sole domain of the marketing department. Rather, it is adopted by the entire organization. From top management to the lowest levels and across all departments of the organization, it is a philosophy or way of doing business. The customers' needs, wants, and satisfaction should always be foremost in every manager and employees' mind. Wal-Mart's motto

Support-Nunua Kazi Zangu

Support-Nunua Kazi Zangu FUATA MAELEKEZO YAFUATAYO: 1.      Tembelea: www. 2.      Search/tafuta Jina la mwandishi: Mwl. Frank Philemon 3.       Vitabu vyenye Prime ni Paperback, na Kindle ni digital book 4.      Review  au weka Rating katika vitabu vyenye Prime 5.      Baada ya hatua zote katika ku-support waweza kununua vitabu vyangu online kwa aina zote za vitabu (Paperback na Kindle) Mwl. Frank Philemon ( Naxfra )