

Wimbo # 58: Zitakuwa nyota taijini Fung kuu: 2Timotheo 4:7-8 “ 7 Nimevipiga vita vilivyo vizuri, mwendo nimeumaliza, Imani nimeilinda; 8 Baada ya hayo nimewekewa taji ya haki, ambayo Bwana mhukumu mwenye haki, atanipa siku ile; wala si mimi tu, bali na watu wote pia waliopenda kufunuliwa kwake”                                                                                                                                                 UTANGULIZI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dunia imejaa mashindano kila kona ya nyanja zote za maisha. Kama mashindano ya: mbio za magari, riadha, farasi, ng’ombe, kuku, kuvuta kamba au mashindano ya ubingwa wa kula upesi, urembo, mpira, ngumi, Mieleka, kucheza mziki, au kuogelea . Mashindano yote hayo ni kutafuta


 INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH What is Research? (a)     Research is the systematic search and collection of information on a specific field of knowlegde. (b)    Research is a systematic process of collecting information and interpleting them. Characteristics of Research. The following are qualities characteristics of good or scientific research. 1.       Research is systematic There are roles and procedures in conducting research. Eg. Identifying the problems, methods etc. 2.       Research is logical Involves of reasoning and judging idea 3.       Research is empirical Research is based on empirical evidence or observable data. 4.       Research is replicable Replicable in a new research can be done when other researches that has been done previonsly to see wheather they obtained the same result. 5.       Research is generative. This is one of the most valuable characeteristics of research because answering one question led to generating