What is Research?
(a)    Research is the systematic search and collection of information on a specific field of knowlegde.
(b)   Research is a systematic process of collecting information and interpleting them.

Characteristics of Research.
The following are qualities characteristics of good or scientific research.

1.      Research is systematic
There are roles and procedures in conducting research. Eg. Identifying the problems, methods etc.

2.      Research is logical
Involves of reasoning and judging idea

3.      Research is empirical
Research is based on empirical evidence or observable data.

4.      Research is replicable
Replicable in a new research can be done when other researches that has been done previonsly to see wheather they obtained the same result.

5.      Research is generative.
This is one of the most valuable characeteristics of research because answering one question led to generating many other new questions.

6.      Research is refutable
Advices through the process of obliqation which involves submitting personal knowledge empirical test that allows personal knowledge to be refuted.

7.      Research is scientific.
Based on empirical evidence with carefully designed study.

Purposes or objectives of Research.
(1)   To generate new knowledge
(2)   To gain deeper understanding of the phenomen
(3)   To provide accurately characteristics or features to a particular individual situation on an event.
(4)   To find answers to unanswered problem.
(5)   To determine whether the data collected at oneh point in time can predict even all behaviours that occurs in the data point in time.
(6)   To include intervention where some research seek to determine whether the phenomenon can be improved or controlled by a particular intervention.
(7)   To improve human activities for the betterment of people.

Significance/Uses/Importance/Advantage of Research.
(i)  Helps to know the reality of study
(ii) Enable to solve different problem in a certain area. 
(iii) Facilitate in promoting development of logical thinking of a person.
(iv) Helps to add knowledge to existing knowledge.
 (v) It develops all source of income
(vi) Also uses as the tools for providing reliable information.
(vii) Provide acurate solution to the problems
(vii) Enable the members of the society to be well infomed about their social surrounding.

Problems of Reseach/disadvantages of Research.
(i) Research is expensive and require a lot of money which may lack.
(ii) Research is time consuming, because it involves long process.
(iii) Researchers may encounter problems such as language barrier and insecurity
(iv) Large amount of data may appear unnecessary and confuse the researchers.
(v)  Research needs expert knowledge about research technique, hence one need to be trained
(vi) Needs a researcher to study a wide range of literature and techniques before conducting a
Types of research.
Classification of research depends on the:
(a)    Purpose of research
(b)   Approach to be used in a research.

The following are the main types of research where others originated from:
(i) Basic research
(ii) Apphed research
(iii) Ebaluated research.

A basic research also known as fundamental research. By definition, basic research is the research in which provides a fundamental body of knowledge.

It is concerned on the foundation of the theory or contribution of the existing body of knowledge ( to add knowledge).

By definition, applied research referred to the research that conducted to solve an immediate problems. Also, appplied research referred to action research. Action research, depend to the extent which the research is directed towards the solution of problems.

Evaluative research is the research that attempt to assess stations of something in order to determine its level of worth.

Types of Basic research/Fundamental Research.
Quantitative research deals with quantification of information. Measure numerical forms of information. 

It is the research that use nonquantitative method in studying a certain phenomena.

Types of quantitative research.
It is the research that administer two or more groups, then compare in order to determine the effectiveness of treatment.

The researcher in this research identify variables and look for the relationship among those variables.

Types of qualitative Research
     In this research data are collected through cultural books.

     This is the research that involves indepth concentration of one individual, group, situation or extents that have been studied over time.

      This thype of qualitative research focus on analysis of content of the written documents.

 Differences between qualitative and quantitative research.
Deals with description
Deals with numbers
Data can be observed but not measured 
Data can be measured eg. Height, level
Interpretation based on participants
Interpretation based on the researcher
Holistic picture
Summarized picture
More subjective to describe a problem
More objective to describe the problem
Setting is natural
Setting is artificial
Deals with individual information
Deals with generalization of informaton
Possible with many tools/methods
Possible with one tools/methods
The key instrument is a Researcher
The key instrument is a sample
Tools are unstructure
Tools are structured.

The following are the general types of research.
Is the research that involves Survey and facts of finding. Tend to report about what has happened or what is happening.

Is the research that aim at finding solution for an immediate problrms facing a society or any organisation. Concerned to some natural phenomena or related to pure mathematic.

This is the research which use the information that already available. It make the critical evaluation of materials.

It is the research that based on mesurement of quantity or amount. Deals with numerical forms.

Is the kind of research that aim to discover the underlying motives and desire for the purpose. It involves quality or Kind.

Is the research which deals with abstract ideas or theory. Used by Philosophers and thinkers to develop new concept or to interprete the exisiting ones.

This relies on experience and observation alone. It is data based and experimental based. Also known as experimental research.

There are two main sources of data in research:
(i) Primary source of data
(ii) Secondary source of data

(i) Primary source of data
    Are data collected from the field which are original data. Are first hand data (first hand 
    obtained data) that collected through observation, interview, quationnaires among others.

(ii) Secondary seource of data
      Are data that obtained from other people’s findings. Obtained from various records like text
     books, journals, films, magazine, maps, statistical abstract and so on.

There are some stages which are usefull in the process of conducting research. Research as a systematic process, should be structured as follows below:

Problem identification is the question or idea of a researcher which ought to be answered through data collection. This stage involves the problems to be investigated.

Formulation of  hypothesis is the form of prediction or forecast. Is like an outcome or explaination of  the future result.

Literature review is an informtion obtained from what others says on the same problems. Obtained from other researches and writtings.

It involves the designation of/on the study like designing participants (population) or number of people to be involved in the (sample size) study and location of the study. Uses quantitative and qualitative approach.

Research instruments means tools to be used by the researcher in the field to collect information. Tools can be interviews, observation, checklist, quationnaire among others.  

Data collection involves the administration/administrating the instruments. This done when a researcher is currently and present in the field.

Data analysis involves of putting the collected data or information into sensible ideas to answer the quaestions. Also known as information analysis.

Report writing involves carefully formulation of coclution and generalization as well as recommendation of the research. This stage a researcher communicate with the public through his/her finding(s).

(a)          Hypothesis by definition refers to the prediction about the study of outcome.
(b)         Hypothesis is the tentative prediction of outcome or result.
(c)          Is the scientific guess of the outcome of interest.

Types of research hypothesis
There are only two hypothesis in research namely below.
(a)    Altenative Hypothesis
(b)   Null hypothesis 

(a)   Altenative Hypothesis
Is the hypothesis stated in the positive way. Also known as Positive hypothesis.
Foreexample; there is a relationship between mass failure of secondary school students and shortage of teachers to the school.

(b)   Null Hypothesis
Null hypothesis is stated in the negative way. Also known as negative hypothesis. Foreexample; there is no relationship between mass failure of secondary school students and the shortage of teachers to the schools. 

Characateristcs of hypothesis 
(i) Should be clear and precise
(ii) It should be capable of being tested
(iii) It must be specific and limited in scope
(iv) Should be tested within the given time
(v) Must be stated in a most simple terms so as to be easily understood.

Importance of hypothesis 
(i) Guide researchers by limiting area of research
(ii) It indicates the type of data required
(iii) It defines which facts are relevant and which are not.
(iv) It determines the most appropriate techniques of data analysis
(v) It contributes to theory development

There are many methods which are, used to collect data. Some and the main of them are:
(a)    Observation
(b)   Interview
(c)    Checklist view
(d)   Documentary review
(e)    Quationnaires
(f)     Experimentation
(g)    Forcal group discussion

Note:   In this book, I will deal with the following method od data collection:
(1)   Interview
(2)   Quationnaires
(3)   Observation

What is Observation?
(a)    Refers to the direct evidence of the eye to witness the evidence.
(b)   Is the method of data collection that involves eyes to witness the events.

Advantages of Observation method.
(i) First hand information can be collected easily
(ii) It saves time as one does not have a look for data else where.
(iii) The method allow participation of the researcher on the environment.
(iv) Does not allow information modification.
(i)         The method helps researcher to develop the spirit of self-reliance /self determination
(ii)       Avoid language barrier
(iii)      Flexible enough to be used whenever and wherever needed.

Disadvantages of Observation method.
(i) It cost in terms of time and money in reaching the place of events.
(ii) There some elements of biasiness in witnessing the event, hence no correct information.
(iii) Some genegraphical phenomena are not easily obtained. Eg. Secret issue in the
      military services.
(iv) It is subjective because, data are based on personal observation.
(v)  It can be dangerous because, it needs presence of researcher on the area of the events.
(vi) Needs a person who have all five sense of organ.
(vii) Misinterpretation may occur due to the personal concentration.

Types of observation method.
There are two main types of observation method.
1.      Participant Observation
It is refferred as the direct observation. The researcher get to know the ideas of the group.

Advantages of participant observation.
(i) Researcher get to be familia with the environment.
(ii) Researcher get to know the ideas of the group.
(iii) Researcher become part and percel of the community
(iv) First hand information may be collected.

Disadvantages of participant observation.
(i) Information gathered may not be complete beacause a researcher connot ask to get more
(ii) It is costiful in term of time and money in reaching to the place of event to be witnessed.
(iii) Has element of business, due to being based on personal observation.

2.      Non Participant Observation
In this type, a researcher is not the part and parcel of the community. Occurs when a researcher are aside observing the activities.

Merits of Non participant Observation
  (i) The researcher is not affected emotionally with the social situation of the group.
  (ii) No interference from the researcher
  (iii) Member observed are free to discuss the matter or issues, hence a researcher may be possible to get confidential data.

Demerits of Non participant observation
  (i) Researchers does not capture the natural context of the social life of the people (in studying).
  (ii) Does not provide full information to be observed, because the observer cannot acess some information (Eg. Sex matters)
An interview is the method of data collection which means/involves verbal interaction between an interviewer and an interviewee (Respondent). In this method people are asked questions directly i.e. face to face and responses are recorded. 

Advantages of interview.
  (i) Here the researcher (interviewer) get data quickly on the spot.
  (ii) It is not restricted to both literature and illiterate people.
  (iii) Personal information can be obtained
  (iv) It allow interaction between two sides. The side of interviewer and respondents.
  (v) The method is more flexible, and simple to change the questions depending to the situation
  (vi) Allow high response rate through dialogue.

Disadvantages of interview.
  (i) The method is time consuming through getting and reaching respondents in the field.
  (ii) Respondents tend to be subjective because they respond by basing on their own feellings.
  (iii) It is costiful because researcher have to travel to meet the respondents in the field.
  (iv) Require a high level of knowledge in interviewing. So as the interviewer to avoid biaceness.
  (v) Interviews involves small sample because they are time consuming hence few sample and data can be collected.
  (vi) Informations may be influenced by the respondent (Eg. Poor community).
  (vii) The method produces non standardised responses.
  (viii) Not applicable to the dumb and deaf, hence the method is subjective to some people.

Types of interview
There are two main types of interview;
(1)   Structure interview
(2)   Unstructure interview

1.      Unstructured interview
The researcher introduce the topic or theme and let the respondents to develop there ideas. Allow the interviewee to speak their ideas. No limitation to the discussion of the topic.

Merits of Unstructured interview
(1)   It is flexible because there is no restriction.
(2)   More information can be revealed due to high degree of freedom.
(3)   Respondentr are free to expose out their ideas.

Demerits of Unstructured interview.
(1)   Difficult to compare the answers because many questions and answers provided to different respondents.
(2)   It is time consuming because, the method is not structured to get specific answers.
(3)   If is not controlled or planned, may led to the irrelevance information.
2.      Structured interview
This type involves structured and semi-structured form of question asked orally. Here, this interview, the researcher or interviewer has a predettermined  quaestions. (Prepared questions).

Weakness of structured interviews.
(1)   It is not flexible, because researcher can not ask more questins outside of those prepared before.
(2)   Some hidden information cannot be obtained easily.

Strength structured interview
(i) A researcher can compare answers from different respondent to see their validity (samess)
(ii) It is possible to use qualitative analysis to analyze data.
(iii) Is not time consuming, because there are systematic prepared oral questions

Rule/Procedures Of Conducting Interview
In conducting the interview, the researcher or interviewer should:
(a)    Create a friendly atmosphere (where the two can talk easily)
(b)   Instil confidence and trust to the information will be provided by the respondent.
(c)    Avoid interprenting the respondent
(d)   Avoid tape-recording as it might inhabit the respondent to be free.
(e)    Be newtral and should not suggest any answer.

Rules Partaining To Interviewer
(a)    The interviewer must be pleasant in any kind of iformation.
(b)   Interviewer should be relaxed and friendly.
(c)    The interviewer should be very familiar with the interview
(d)    The enterviewr should interact with the respondents.
(e)    The interviewer shold pretest the interview guide before.
(f)     The interviewer should not ask leading and personal questions.
(g)    The interviewer should inform the respondent about confidentiality.
(h)    The interviewer should inform the respondent about and when the enterview will be conducted.

This is the method used in data collection which consist a list of questions related to the topic.

Advantages of quationnaires.
(1)   Data can be collected as first hand
(2)   A researcher get a lot information from many respondent in a different areas.
(3)   Omission of names, make respondends easily to respond to the quationnaires given.
(4)   It saves time, because many questions can be handed to many respondents at the same time
(5)   Give accurate to gauge the answers
(6)   Used in extracting many information in a broad field.

Disadvantages of quationnaires.
(1)   Uses for only literate people and not suitable to the illiterate ones
(2)   Sometimes the questions may not be understood to the respondents
(3)   It is costful in printing and typing those quationnaires
(4)   Posted quationnaires may not be received by respondents or returned back to researcher.
(5)   It is inappropriate where there is language barrier between the researcher and the repondent.
(6)   The questions may not be understood, hence the respondent will answer the way they understand.
(7)   There is low response rate when the respondents may not like to answer the questions.
(8)   It is time consuming when it covers large area and large sample size to be reached.

Types of questionnaires.
There are two main questions that are used in questionnaires.
(a)    Structured/closed ended quationnaire
(b)   Unstructured/open ended questionnaire 

(a)   Structured or Closed ended quationnaires
Are type of questions that accompanied by a list of all posible altenatives from which respondents select the answer that best desdribes their situation.

Example; (i) What type of transport do you use (circle to the best answer answer)?
(A)  Feet  (B) Bicycle  (C) Car  (D) Aircraft
                 (ii) The main crops grown in Mwanza is?
(A)  Maize  (B) Cotton    (C) Patatoes  (D) Beanz

Advantages of closed ended/structured quationnaires
(i) Are easier to analyze
(ii) The are easier to administer because each item is followed by altenative answers.
(iii) They are economical to use both interms of money and time (No time and money

Disadvantages of closed ended/structured quationnaires
(i)  Are more difficult to construct, since categories must be well selected.
(ii) Responses are limited. (Should write the only given altenative).
(iii) Respondents are required to answer questions according to what the researcher’s

(b)   Unstructured/open ended quationnaires
Refers to the questions that gives the respondents complete freedom of responces permit an individual to respond in his/her own words.

Example; (i) How do you keep records of your monthly expenditure in your family?
                 (ii) What subjects do you most like in your combination?
                 (iii) Which one of these subjects do you consider to be important subject? 

Advantages of Open ended question/quationnaire
(i) Are simple to formulate
(ii) Respondents are free to give out their feeling.
(iii) Permit for a great response because respondent is given personal response.
(iv) Open ended questions stimulate a person to think and give a constructive idea.

Disadvantages of Open ended question/quationnaire
(i) Provides information which does not answer the stipulated research objective (Because, respondent are free to give their opinion).
(ii) Responses given may be difficult to be analyzed.
(iii) It is time consuming due to free chance given to the respondents.

Procedures Considered In Preparing Quationnaires
(i) The questions must be short, simple and clear straight forward.
(ii) The questions should be asked in a systematic manner.
(iii)  The questions should be relevant to the topic.
(iv) The questions should used polite language.
(v) The questions should be free of bias.

It is the research method which involves intensive discussion on a particular issues. Normally done in a small group of people (eg. 5-7 people)

Aims of focus group discussion
It target the group to get addition information, which are rendered by some talent people for the benefit of the group on the particular issues.

Advantages of focus group discussion
(i)  Researcher become active person in discussion
(ii) Respondent get skilled of writing, and speaking as well as coordinating.
(iii) Involves low cost, because of few number of participants involved in the discussion.
(iv) Develop way of constructing ideas or points.
(v) Facilitate for a great way of exchange of ideas.

Disadvantages of focus group discussion
(i) Very small sample size is involved
(ii) Selection of group may be affected by biases or subjective due to the researcher interest
     and closeness of the invited participants.
(iii) Few respondent may dominate the discussion, especially those who are very much talkative.
(iv) It is difficult to analyze data collected through this method bacause many ideas can be
      generated and spoken out.
(i)         There is no equal participation because, there some people may fear to share their idea or contribution infront of the group members.
(ii)       There is the high degree of conflict emotion among the member due to the differences in ideas and interests.

Sampling is the process by which a representative portion of the population is selected for
Sampling Techniques are tactics of selecting the portion of respresentatives.

Types of sampling/sampling techniques
They are two types or classification of sampling, namely below:
(a)   Probability sampling (Have the following types)
(i) Simple random sampling
(ii) Systematic sampling
(iii) Stratified sampling
(iv) Cluster sampling

(b)   Non-probability sampling (Have the followings)
(i) Purposive sampling
(ii) Quota sampling
(iii) Snowball sampling
(iv) Convenience sampling
(v) Concecutive sampling

Probabilitty sampling refers to an equal sampling technique in which data that are found can be used for generalization. Probability sampling is also known as random sampling. The member in this population have equal chance to be selected.

Types of probability sampling.
1.      Simple Random Sampling
By definition, simple random sampling is the technique that provides an equal chance to every member in a population to be included in the study. It is the equal probability sampling method in selection. The method, which is sometimes called randomization is for rotary system. The method reduece any form of bias and errors is selecting samples.

2.      Systematic Sampling
It is the type of sampling that involves selection of the sample randomly at regular interval from the sampling frame. This is the systematic selection of the participarts. It involves selection of each nth term where after every 3,5,7 or 10 individuals. Individuals might be selected and indicated by name or numbers. In the selection of the nth term should follow the clear interval and sample size.

3.      Stratified Sampling
Is the sampling technique that involves dividing up the population into smaller groups known as strata. This reduce the omission of important elements. The technique have got two types.
(a)    Proportional stratified sampling (This does not reflect the size)
(b)   Disproportional stratified sampling (This do reflect the size).

4.      Cluster Or Ecological Sampling
Involves random selection of a group and each member is the group participates in the research.  Is a frequently used method and more practicle in the sampling especially in the probability sampling. In this, the population is classified into two level.
     (i) Lowest level
     (ii) Highest level

In this type, the member in the population have no equal chance to be selected. Researcher select the sampling/sample with purpose (prior purpose). Selection is based on the personal judgement like; (i) Purposive based judgement and (ii)Accessibility based judgement. Due to being no generalisation, the method of sampling is very usefull for qualitative research.

Types Of Non-Probability Sampling
1.      Convinience Sampling
In this, researcher selectsample because of accessibility. This is due to be easily accessed. Is probably most common in non-probability method of sampling. Involves the selection of sample according to the researcher convinience, like terms of time, money, human resources. This is commonly known as accessial sampling.
2.      Concecutive Sampling
This is very smilar to the convinience technique where it collects individual to become the sample because of accessibilities. The researcher have to collect all the individuals who are accessible like all University students. Is useful where the population is very small then all member to be collected and at the end the researcher is able to analyze the data.

3.      Quota Sampling
This is the technique that describe the sample that equivalent to technique. This have the same characteristics of the stratified sampling technique. Involves in division of individuals into small groups which are known as quota. Foreexample; the workhard may represent the significant characteristics of of the population. The quota can be age, economic status, level of performance, sex among others.

In this sampling technique, the researcher have to ensure equal of proportional representation of the subject in which traits are considered from the quota. Also the sampling divide the population into small group and subsection have to represent the population.
4.      Purposive/Judgemental Sampling
It is judgemental or purposive sampling where by researcher believes that, the individuals have the information about the particulars. The subject is chosen to become a sample because of specific purpose. This involves the selection of few respondents, believing that, they have the information.
5.      Snowball Sampling.
Is the sampling technique that is used in a small size of the population. Snowball sampling is also known as Strategic sampling. It is characterized by identified single individual (few individuals) then ask them to recommend to other individuals, who are smillar to their characteristics.

Qn. When to use probability and Non probability sampling technique.

Factors Influancing For Selection Of Instrunment For Data Collection.
Factors influencing for the uses of type of instrunment for data collection, depends on the followings:
*      What you need to know? Are novels or stories
*      Depends where the data reside on the environment.
*      Where the data is from sites
*      Depends on resources and time availability
*      Depends on the complement of the data to be collected.
*      Depends on frequent data collection.

Note. Each instrument of data collection has streght and weakness.

Problems Hindering Data Collection In The Field Are:
(i) Inadequate time
(ii) Lack of cooperation from respondents
(iii) Inaccessible areas
(iv) Inadequate source of data
(v) Language barrier
(vi) Inadequate fund
(vii) Lack of access of strictly confidential information
(viii) Lack of transport system
(ix) Presence of wars

Quality Of A Good Research.
There are two necessary conditions of a good research which are used to judge the quality of the research.
  (i) Validity
  (ii) Reliability

Validity refers to the appropriateness, meaningfullness, and usefullness of the instrunment. Forexample, you can not get a right data of intelligent students without using intelligency test.
Refers to the consistency or repeatability of instrument. Even other reserchers should come with the same result asbthe former researcher found.

Refers to the vital step as one (researcher) communicate his/her findings to other researcher or the public. This is the last step of a research.

Importance of research report writing.
(i) It exposes the problems which have bee researched and their implication.
(ii) It fully presents the outcome of data collected of the research.
(iii) It enterprete the data obtained from the field
(iv) It provides the data around the problems investigated.

The Report format
Chapter 1, 2 and 3 are the main chapters for the research proposal:
(i) Preliminary information 
(ii) The main body
(iii) Recommendation

Features of Research report
(i) Must have a focus 
(ii) Must have a good organisation
(iii) Must be characterized by integration

Uses of Research outputs and Recommendation
(i) Improve knowledge of the people
(ii) Assists in finding problems inflicting societies
(iii) To improve economic and social activities.
(iv) Result to exploitation of formely untrapped resources.
(v) Results in variates of communities needs
(vi) Solution are usefull in protecting and conserving the environment. 
(vii) Used in formulation of government policies.

Field work is divided into the following:

(1) Field study
Is any learning activities carried by individual or group of individul outside the classroom. Is
where a person is physically involved in observation, recording, interpreting and writing the
report on all observed facts in a particular field. Is also refered to field technique or study tour.

 (2) Field excursion
In this, learners vist the site and report all aspects they observed on the way and at the site.

(3) Field work
Is the science of selecting, Observing, measuring, evaluating and reporting on geographical phenomena in a specific area.

Field research
Field research is the branch of field work which deals with problem solving and geographical investigation as well as promoting further research for the problem to be tackled by another approch.

Branches of field work
(i) Field excursion
(ii) Field study
(iii) Field research

Stages involved in field study/study tour
(1)   Preparation
(a)    Teacher’s preparation (planning by the teacher)
(b)   Students’ preparation

(2)   Application for paying a vist (application letter to inform or ask for a permission)
(a)    To the school or college administration
(b)   To the parents
(c)    To the site expected to be researched and visted

(3)   Transport preparation  (travelling preparation)

(4)   Arrival and data taking.

(1)   Answer the following questions
(a)    What is research?
(b)   Describe the basic steps for carrying out a research.
(c)    Discuss the uses of research outputs and recommendations
(d)   Differentiate a null from a positive hypothesis
(e)    Why do we need a research in our daily lives?

(2)   Differentiate by giving examples the following terms.
(a)    Closed and open questionnaires
(b)   Structured and Non structured interview
(c)    Participant and Non participant observation

(3)   What circumstances would you decide to sample your research participants using probability or non probability techniques?

(4)   Draw some examples from your research knowledge, show how all the steps in research process are interconnected to form a coherent research enterprese.

(5)   The term research is widely used by different people to give the meaning of it. Use examples from your research knowledge to differentiate proper reseaech from what is not. Discuss altleast five characteristics that make a research as science.

(6)   What are the uses/importance, advantages and disadvantages of research hypothesis.


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