

Happily, I would like to extend my salutation to you as my friend (s) whom you are passing through this article. It have been said that, leaders give people their life. Every one is a leader because every one was created to lead and designed to dominate. Leadership begins about how you think (believe). Leadership does not begin with people, it begins with you first. If you want people to do what you do, you are not a leader, you are a politician. No one who is most important, every one is a leader on its area of function (people have no idea where they function). In every follower there is a hiden leader. True leadership is self-discovery, so, introduce yourself. If you discover that, the world needs you, you will be dangerous. You dont need a Phd to be a leader; leadership is born when toleration ends. Leaders are always angry people. When someone says it is over (I had enough) leadership can be born. Leadership questions: is a leadership about power, position, talent, skills,


T he word Agriculture is derived from two Latin words Ager which means field and cultura that means cultivation. Therefore agriculture can be defined as field cultivation. Livestock are all the domesticated animals. Definition of agriculture: A griculture is defined as the art and science of crop and livestock production. As an art Involves use of learned skills and performing them manually (by hand). E.g. ·        Tilling of land. ·        Construction of farm structures. ·        Measuring distances. ·        Machine operations. ·        Harvesting of crops. ·        Feeding and handling animals. ·        Marketing of Agricultural produce. As a science It involves experimentation and application of scientific knowledge e.g. in areas such as: 1.     Soil science (pedology) ---study of soil. 2.     Crop pathology—Study of crop diseases. 3.     Entomology--- Study of insects and their control. 4.     Agricultural Engineering--- soil and water co