Happily, I would like to extend my salutation to you as my friend (s) whom you are passing through this article.
It have been said that, leaders give people their life. Every one is a leader because every one was created to lead and designed to dominate. Leadership begins about how you think (believe). Leadership does not begin with people, it begins with you first. If you want people to do what you do, you are not a leader, you are a politician. No one who is most important, every one is a leader on its area of function (people have no idea where they function). In every follower there is a hiden leader. True leadership is self-discovery, so, introduce yourself. If you discover that, the world needs you, you will be dangerous.
You dont need a Phd to be a leader; leadership is born when toleration ends. Leaders are always angry people. When someone says it is over (I had enough) leadership can be born. Leadership questions: is a leadership about power, position, talent, skills, authority, social status, charisma (Greek-gifting of goods), born or made? When does one become a leader?
The power of leadership: Nothing happens without leadership; nothing changes without leadership; nothing develops without leadership; nothing improves without leadership; nothing corrected without leadership; nothing succeeds without leadership; nothing advance without leadership. So, we are always, directly or indirectly led.
The demand for leadership: Leadership is the number one need of the 21th Century; leadership determines everything; leadership is the source and solution to all problems in society; no manager is a leader, but leaders are managers.
Difference between leaders and managers: A manager maintain things, a leader change everything. A manager follow policy, leader create policy. Managers focus on the bottom line, leaders focus on their risen. Managers keep tradition, leaders destroy it (break it). Managers focus on doing the right things, leaders are very unique. So, if you are lead by a manager you will not grow. We need leaders than managers.
The spirit of leadership: An army of sheep led by a lion will defeat an army of lion. If a lion led by a sheep will not defeat an army of lion. Sheep do not have leader and follow anyone.
Leadership and followership: Leadership determine the quality of the followers (i.e coward to warrior); leadership determine the morality of followers; leadership determine the mentality of followers; leadership determine the attitude of followers, leadership determines the commitment of the followers; leadership determine the destiny of followers.
Note that: If the blind lead the blind will never reach to the destination. Dont be impressed with power or position. Vision is more important than leadership. Vision creates the leader. Vision makes to see the future better than the present.
Leadership differences (an example of eagle and lion): The key to the leadership is about attitude (attitude is a source of natural life style); leadership is about belief in the potential of creativity, skills and resources; leadership is about mentality (80%), and skills (20%); leadership is about confidence (the ability to achieve objectives and goals). If leadership it is about mentality (80%), and skills (20%) just why skilled people work for mentality people. The leader is fearless because of having knowledge. The power of leadership is about belief and attitude. Leaders dont see through their eyes but their belief. Belief system produces leaders philosophy.
Job and work in leadership: Your job is not your work to do. Your job is what youve paid to do. Your work is what you are born to do. You will never become successful from your job. Your job is a skill; your work is a gift.
Leadership and attitude: Leadership is about 20% training skills and 80% attitude; leadership or leaders are distinguished by altitude; leadership attitude is the key to leadership confidence; leadership attitude determines the atmosphere in the organisation; leadership attitude is inherent and natural; leadership attitude is contagious; the leaders belief system is the source of attitude. So, your thinking is your philosophy.
The power of attitude: Attitude determines limitation; attitude is a product of belief (no one can live beyond the limit of his/her belefs); attitude is manifestation of philosophy (philosophy is a product of your ideas). So, your life is what you think it should be. Your education doesnt change human value.
Your leadership gift: You are not created to lead people; you were created to lead in an area of gifting; true leadership is born when your gift is discovered and serve to the world; the value in each human is the gift, they were born to deliver to humanity; leadership is not about followers, but discovering yourself to serve humanity; leaders dont seek follower but followers are attracted by the leader; leaders are tree bearing a fruit that followers seek for; great leader of the world are servant serving to the people.
Leadership philosophy: Purpose determine potential; dominion capacity exist is in every human; the capacity is present to us; dont let anyone block your gauge, you are born to lead but you must become a leader; you are a seed you must become a tree; great leaders do not compete with any one, they compete themselves.
Brought to you by Frank P. Karoli


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