DURATION: 2:30 HRS.
INSTRUCTIONS:                                                                                                                                                                                              1. This paper consists of section A and B. Answer all questions.                                                                                                                         2. Use a pencil for drawing diagrams and maps.                                                                                                                  3. Credit will be given for the use of relevant sketch maps and diagrams.
SECTION ‘A’ (60%).
Qn1. For each of the following question below, encircle the correct answer among the given alternatives (20%).
(i) The sun is the main source of:
   (A) The earth and the planet (B) Fire wood and charcoal (C) Light and heat (D) Energy and solar system (E) Water and light.
(ii) Which of the following planet has the shortest orbit around the sun?                                      
    (A)  Earth. (B) Mercury. (C) Pluto (D) Venus (E) Mars
(iii) The boundary between one drainage basin and the next is known as;
     (A) Basin zones (B) Distributaries (C) Tributaries (D) Water divide (E) Frank
(iv) Which of the following is not an element of weather?
     (A) Altitude (B) Cloud covers (C) Wind (D) Sunshine (E) Precipitation
(v) As someone ascends in altitude, the temperature tends to;
     (A) Decrease and increase at the same time. (B) Increase at the rate of 0.6Centigrade
      (C) Decrease at the rate of 0.6centigrade for every 100metres (D) Remain constant
(vi) Identify the correct process of rain formation to the given below pairs:
     (A) Evaporation, cooling, condensation, and rain fall
     (B) Cooling, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation
     (C) Evaporation, cooling, precipitation, and rainfall
     (D) Evaporation, precipitation, condensation, and cooling
(vii) People living in Dar es Salaam see the sun earlier than in Kigoma. What does this fact indicate?
     (A) People in Kigoma sleep longer (B) The earth rotate from East to West
     (C) The earth rotates from West to East (D) there are many hills and mountains in Kigoma
(viii) The solar eclipse occurs when;
       (A) One body passes between the two bodies (B) The earth passes between the two bodies
       (C) The earth passes between the sun and moon (D) the moon passes between earth and sun
(ix) The temperatures at 500metres when the tourists start climbing Mount Kilimanjaro were 20 centigrade. What will be the temperature when they reached at 2000metres above sea level?
         (A) 20centigrades (B) 5centigrades (C) 11centigrades (D) 12centigrades (E) 15centigrades
(x) If the time recorded at town X, 450E was 9:00a.m. What could be the longitude of town Y at 3:00a.m?
     (A) 90O W (B) 45O W (C) 15O E (D) 900 E (E) 750 W
Qn2. Match the item in list A with the response in list B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number (20%).
I. The raised part of the ocean floor _______________________
A. Isobar
II. Weather station instruments’ shelter __________________
B. Aphelion
III. Maximum and minimum temperature __________________
C. Perihelion
IV. The line joining places with the same pressure _____________
D. Isotherm
V. Occurs when the earth becomes far from the sun ____________
E. Ocean deep
VI. Formed when large masses of air with different physical properties meet ________________________
F. Relief
VII. 180O East and West _____________________
G. Stevenson’s screen
VIII .Dormant volcano ________________________
H. Ridges
IX. East Africa’s standard time _______________________
I. Six’s thermometer
X. The continent which stands as the country itself ___________
J. Cyclonic rain

K. Australia

L. Erupt quietly

M. 450  Latitude

N. Has not erupted recently

O. I. D. L

Q. Europe.
Qn.3. Write YES for the correct statement and NO for the wrong statement (20%).
        i.            The equator is not the great circle _______________
      ii.            Africa is the second largest continent in its size ___________________
    iii.            Lake Tanganyika is the rift valley’s Lake _________________
    iv.            Grid references on maps are used in locating and describing positions ______________
      v.            Sunshine and sunset proves that, the earth is flattened sphere _____________________
    vi.            The Pacific Ocean covers more than one third of the earth’s surface ________________
  vii.            Bearing and distance is the only way of locating position on maps __________________
viii.            Lake Victoria is within the rift valley ______________
    ix.            Distributaries are found in the river mouth __________________
      x.            In the use of the solar energy tend minimize the environmental degradation and pollution ________________
Qn4. Give the meaning of the following geographical terms (10%)
        i.            Geography..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      ii.            Weather..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
    iii.            Climate...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
    iv.            Continent................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
      v.            Mountain................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  Qn.5. (a) Study careful the following diagram, and then label the given letters (5%)

        i.            What is about the diagram____________________________________________
      ii.            What stands for each of the following letters from the diagram:
                  A; _________________________________________________
                  B; _________________________________________________
                  C; _________________________________________________
                  D; _________________________________________________
(b)  Study carefully the diagrams below then give your answer for each letter from the diagram (5%)

            A: ________________________
            B: ___________________________
           C: __________________________
           D: _________________________
           E:              Oceanic Island_______
           F: _________________________

SECTION ‘B’ (40%)
Qn.6.Carefully; study the sketch map below given below and then answer questions that follow (24%):


        i.            Calculate the area of Lake Barara in square kilometers.
      ii.            Write the grid reference of Moroto and Makalaa villages
    iii.            What are the features found in the following grid references?
(a)    025232
(b)   035242
    iv.            Mention four points on the economic importance of Lake Barara to the people living around the lake.
      v.            State the compass direction and compass bearing of Moroto from Makalaa villages.
    vi.            What is the distance/length of the road in kilometer between grid references 016205 and 062242.
Qn.7. Differentiate the following geographical terms (16%):
        i.            Revolution and rotation
      ii.            Aphelion and perihelion
    iii.            Plateau and mountain

“Give your hands to serve and your heart to love” (By Frank P.K).                                                                                                                                                           Be blessed in your holiday; see you next year-2015.

Small scale of map and large scale of map


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