Henry Lawrence Gantt: (USA, 1861 – 1919):
H.L Gantt was born in 1861. He graduated from John Hopkins College. For some time, he worked as a draftsman in an iron foundry. In 1884, he qualified as a mechanical engineer at Stevens Institute. In 1887, he joined the Midvale Steel Company. Soon, he became an assistant to F.W Taylor. He worked with Taylor from 1887 - 1919 at Midvale Steel Company. He did much consulting work on scientific selection of workers and the development of incentive bonus systems. He emphasized the need for developing a mutuality of interest between management and labor. Gantt made four important contributions to the concepts of management:

1.Gantt chart to compare actual to planned performance. Gantt chart was a daily chart which graphically presented the process of work by showing machine operations, man hour performance, deliveries, effected and the work in arrears. This chart was intended to facilitate day-to-day production planning.

2.Task-and-bonus plan for remunerating workers indicating a more humanitarian approach. This plan was aimed at providing extra wages for extra work besides guarantee of minimum wages. Under this system of wage payment, if a worker completes the work laid out for him, he is paid a definite bonus in addition to his daily minimum wages. On the other hand, if a worker does not complete his work, he is paid only his daily minimum wages. There was a provision for giving bonus to supervisors, if workers under him were able to earn such bonus by extra work.

3.Psychology of employee relations indicating management responsibility to teach and train workers. In his paper "Training Workmen in Habits of Industry and Cooperation", Gantt pleaded for a policy of preaching and teaching workmen to do their work in the process evolved through pre-thinking of management.

4.Gantt laid great emphasis on leadership. He considered management as leadership function. He laid stress on the importance of acceptable leadership as the primary element in the success of any business. Gantt’s contributions were more in the nature of refinements rather than fundamental concepts. They made scientific management more humanized and meaningful to devotees of Taylor

 Frank :(USA, 1867 - 1924) and Lillian (U.S.A, 1878 - 1912): The ideas of Taylor were also strongly supported and developed by the famous husband and wife team of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. They became interested in wasted motions in work. After meeting Taylor, they combined their ideas with Taylor's to put scientific management into effect. They made pioneering effort in the field of motion study and laid the entire foundation of our modern applications of job simplification, meaningful work standards and incentive wage plans. Mrs. Gilbreth had a unique background in psychology and management and the couple could embark on a quest for better work methods. Frank Gilbreth is regarded as the father of motion study. He is responsible for inculcating in the minds of managers the questioning frame of mind and the search for a better way of doing things. Gilbreth's contributions to management thought are quite considerable. His main contributions are:

(a)The one best way of doing a job is the way which involves the fewest motions performed in an accessible area and in the most comfortable position. The best way can be found out by the elimination of inefficient and wasteful motions involved in the work.

(b)He emphasized that training should be given to workers from the very beginning so that they may achieve competence as early as possible.
(c)He suggested that each worker should be considered to occupy three positions –

(i) The job he held before promotion to his present position,

(ii) His present position, and

(iii) The next higher position. The part of a worker's time should

be spent in teaching the man below him and learning from the man above him. This would help him qualify for promotion and help to provide a successor to his current job.

(d)Frank and Lillian Gilberth also gave a thought to the welfare of the individuals who work for the organization.

(e)Gilbreth also devised methods for avoiding wasteful and unproductive movements. He laid down how workers should stand, how his hands should move and so on


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