
                                                                                                                                                                      DURATION: 3:00 HRS.
INSTRUCTIONS:                                                                                                                                                                                 1. This paper consists of section A, B and C. Answer all questions.                                                                                                  2. Use a pencil for drawing diagrams and maps.                                                                                                                  3. Credit will be given for the use of relevant sketch maps and diagrams.
SECTION ‘A’ (40%) objective questions.
Qn1. For each of the following question below, encircle the correct answer among the given alternatives (10%).
(i) Tides are highest during…
   (A) During the eclipse.                            (B) During the aphelion.
   (C) During the equinox.                          (D) During the day.
(ii) A representative scale of 1:50, 0000 can be represented by statement scale of:                                      
    (A) 0.5Cm to 05Km.                               (B) 2Cm to 5Km.
    (C) One Cm to 0.5km.                            (D) One Cm to 50, 0000Cm.
(iii) If Nairobi at sea level has temperature reaching 300C. Determine the temperature of Kampala situated 1500M above sea level.
     (A) 210C                  (B) 390C                   (C) 90C                      (D) 230C
(iv) Pstoralism activity where animals are given feeds in shed without moving anywhere to the field is called:
     (A) Zero grazing                                        (B) Nomadic Pastoralism
    (C) Mixed pastoralism                                (D) Sedentary pastoralism
(v) An important announcement was broadcasted from London at 3:40Pm GMT. This was picked by the Navigator of a ship. Anchored off the coast of West Africa in Longitude 100W. the local time will be……
     (A) 4:20Pm.          (B) 3:20Pm.         (C) 3:00 Pm.          (D) 2:40Pm.           (E) 5:00Pm.
Qn2. Match the item in list A with the response in list B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number (10%).
I. Wood, nuclear energy, natural gas and coal _______________
A. Isobar
II. Verbal scale, ratio scale and graphical scale ____________
B. Isohels
III. Line drawn having the same sunshine __________________
C. Ecosystem
IV. T.V.A __________________
D. Mixed system
V. A natural system in which plants and animals interact each other and the nonliving environment ____________
E. Tennessee valley authority

F. Tanzania village association

G. non renewable resources

H. Renewable resources

I. Expression of scale

Qn.3. Write YES for the correct statement and NO for the wrong statement (10%).
a)      Elements of weather are the same as the elements of climate _______________
b)      Domestic trade takes place between one country to another___________________
c)      Lake Tanganyika is the deepest lake in Africa _________________
d)     Bearing and distance are one of the methods used to locate position in the maps ______
e)      Textile industries are light industries dealing with the manufacturing of clothes from coffee, tea, and wheat______________
Qn4. Attempt the following questions (10%)
a)      Differentiate between map and photograph
b)      Write short notes about settlement
c)      Compare the similarities between high oblique  photo and vertical aerial photo

SECTION ‘B’ (30%) application
Qn.5. The following are data of production in Mirui ward from 1975-1977 (in tones) (10%)
a)      Draw the multiple bar graph to represent the data
b)      State two (2) merits and demerits of using the methods above
c)      Comment on the trend of the graph
Qn.6. Study carefully the map extract of Kigoma sheet 92/3 then answer the questions that follow (10%):
a)      What is the length of the railway from grid 900606 to 024574?
b)      Measure the area of Lake Tanganyika in Km2
c)      With vivid evidence from the map, suggest the main economic activities of the area
d)     Describe the settlement pattern found in the area
e)      Identify the features found in the following grid readings; 924617, 948651, and 880573
f)       Find the direction and bearing of grid system 948651 to 880573
g)      Why the population on the map is unevenly distributed?
Qn.7. Study carefully the photograph below, and then answer the questions that follow (10%):
a)      Name the type of the photograph
b)      Describe four (4) characteristics of the type of the photograph named in part (a) above
c)      Identify the natural features seen on the photograph
d)     At what time the photograph taken? Give two (2) reasons
e)      With reasons, suggest the major economic activities taking place in the area.

SECTION ‘c’ (30%). essay questions.
Answer only three (3) questions in this section. (Each question carries 10%)
Qn.8. “Agriculture development in East Africa faces problems in pricing system than in farming system” Explain the statement by giving relevant examples.
Qn.9.According to the world economic report of 2014-2015 states that; “The development of oil mining in Nigeria became important economic factor for the growth of Nigerian economy that makes to be the leading nation in the economy among the African states”. Frankly, argue for the truth of the statement.
Qn.10.While Africa having great potential for H.E.P, but it has least output of electricity. Substantiate by citing examples from Tanzania.
Qn.11. “Economic development in Tanzania and other countries depends much on transport”. Briefly explain to support the statement.
Qn.12. “The use of fuel wood as a source of energy among Tanzanians will continue for many years to come”. By giving precise five examples, briefly highlight.
Qn.13.Geographers prefers watching weather forecasting news every day. Do they benefit by watching such news? If ‘yes’ or ‘no’, why?

1.          Power Not Comes From Hate, But By Your Choice
2.         Reality Is Always Stranger Than Fiction
3.         Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is A Mystery But, Today Is Gift
BY: Frank P. KMan of Principles” © 2015


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