What is environment?
Environment is all external conditions surrounding an organism and which have influence over its behavior or activities. OR; Environment refers to all things that surrounding human being.

Classification of Environment
(a)    The past environment
(b)     The current environment
(c)    The future environment

The Past Environment
Is the sum of all external conditions surroundings the human being after the current environment. This give to the organism, which are seen to day

The Current Environment
Are all external conditions surrounding the organism currently. It moulds the organism of tomorrow.

The Future Environment
Is the sum of all external conditions expedited to surround the organism in future. This mould the organism after their passage through the two previous named environment.

Components of Environment
There are two components of environment, namely;
1. The living components
2. The non-living component

The Living Components
  This is also known as Biological environment that include all living organism and macro-organism i.e. plants animal, people, microorganism and macro-organism.

The Non-Living Components.
This include gases, liquids and solids also it include. Atmospheric environment, Hydrological environment and who this environment.

Importance of Environment
The followings are various ways in which the environment is important
(1)   Environment sustains life. Environment support life to the living things because it provides water, soil food and place for settlement as well as air.
(2)   Environment provides natural resources. All natural resources are obtained from the environment. Examples of natural resources are forest, soil, water minerals etc. These natural resources area very importance for economic development.
(3)   Environment has aesthetic values. Aesthetic value are demographically land scape drainage, feature, Low land fauna are the beautiful to look at the natural settings. These features can act as the source of economic development.

Qn. What is the social-economic importance of environment (Give 8 points)

Environmental Problems
Environmental problems referred as the hazard or risk. Hazard referred as danger or risk.
Environmental problems are potential up several calamity or disaster. There is a relationship between environmental hazards and human activities.

The following are the common environmental problems.
(1)   Loss of biodiversity
(2)   Soil erosion
(3)   Diseases
(4)   Over grazing
(5)   Over population
(6)   Over cultivation
(7)   Epidemics
(8)   Pollution
(9)   Drought
      (10) Desertification
      (11)Harmful radiation                                                               
      (12) Global warming

The problems are caused by the following environment hazards
(1)   Floods
(2)   Lighting 
(3)   Pest and diseases
(4)   Drought
(5)   Earth quakes
(6)   Volcanic eruption
(7)   Nuclear wastes
(8)   Wind storms.
Note: Some geographers do consider hazards to be actual problems.


1. Loss of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is the variety of species of organism on the earth. The process of loss of biodiversity is called extinction. Loss of biodiversity refers to the disappearance of different organism both fauna and flora.

Loos of biodiversity is generally caused by deforestation, burning forest, natural disaster, mining, use of harmful chemicals among others.

Causes of loss of Biodiversity
The causes can be either natural or human causes;

(a) Natural causes
(1)   Occurrence of floods. Floods kills most kind of organisms at the place where they occurs
(2)   Natural lightning. Natural electricity also cause to the loss of biodiversity like plant and animals.   
(3)   Wind storms. Excessive winds (strong wind) Up root Plants and cause massive death of plant and animal
(4)   Pests and diseases. High rate of pests and diseases tend to kill large number of organism
(5)   Land slide. This kind of mass movement also lead to the loss of biodiversity on the earth
(6)   Earth quake
(7)   Eruption of volcanism
(8)   Gravitation etc.

(b) Human causes
These are human activities which cause for loss of biodiversity. The following are some of human causes for loss of biodiversity;
(1)   The use of bombs in the war. The use of bombs in the war leads to the loss/killing of many people and other biodiversity hence loss of biodiversity.
(2)   Pollution. Both water, air, and land pollution causes for loss of biodiversity. Pollution refers to the addition of wastes or unwanted material on the land, water and air (Environment)
(3)   Bad fishing method. Unlawful fishing in the water bodies also led to the loss of biodiversity due to the excessive extraction of aquatic materials in the water and the uses of poisons and other method of fishing.
(4)   Bad methods of cultivation. Poor methods of cultivation like the use of fertilizers, shifting cultivation also may cause to the loss of biodiversity
(5)   Soil erosion. Soil erosion that influenced by different erosive agents, also cause for the massive loss of biodiversity to the environment.
(6)   Over population. Overpopulation that associated with establishment of settlement and different human activities in one way or another cause for the loss of biodiversity.  
(7)   Desertification. Excessive destruction of trees and other vegetation cover tend to cause for the loss of biodiversity, especially those depend their lives on vegetation

The Effects of Loss of Biodiversity.
(1)   Lead to the failure of ecology and scientific activities
(2)   Decrease of living organism
(3)   Lead to the depreciations in aesthetic value of the environment

2. Environmental Pollution
It is the process of additional of harmful materials into the environment.  Environmental pollution is in term of; air, water, land, and noise pollution.

By definition environmental pollution is the addition of waste or harmful substance or material on the environment. Pollution can be in term of gases, liquid, or solid.

Forms of Pollution
(d)   Water pollution
(e)    Air pollution
(f)     Noise pollution (sound waves)
(g)    Land/soil pollution

A.    Water Pollution
Refers to the addition of unwanted harmful substances (materials) in the water sources

Causes of Water Pollution
The following are some of the causes of water pollution;
(1)   Disposal of oil waste and other products
(2)   Disposal of sewage materials from homes
(3)   Fertilizers from agricultural activities
(4)   Bad methods of fishing like the uses of poison
(5)   Water transportation that mostly lead to oil spill over
(6)   Irrigation agriculture that taking place near the sources of water

Effects of Water Pollution
(i) Lead to the loss of biodiversity   
(ii) Facilitate to air pollution due to bad smell of water
(iii) Cause for acidic rainfall.
(iv) May cause for inadequate of clean and safe water

Possible Solution to the Effects of Water Pollution
(1)    To avoid bad method of agriculture like the use of chemicals in irrigation schemes nearby source of water.
(2)    There should be an establishment of laws to protect the sources of water.
(3)    Ships should be checked before starting their journey so as to avoid the problems of oil spill over.
(4)    People should avoid bad method of fishing, especially in the use of poisons
(5)    Education should be given to the people so as to avoid pollution of water sources

B.     Air Pollution
Air pollution refers to the addition of harmful substance in the air (atmosphere)

Causes of Air Pollution
The following are some of the causes of air pollution;
(1)   Exhaust smoke from industries, that tend to contaminate with atmospheric air
(2)   Car fumes. These are smokes from different motor vehicles that also can cause for the pollution of air.
(3)   Volcanic eruptions. In all of volcanic eruption led to the emission of harmful chemical gases that tend to be contaminated to the atmospheric air (gas). Most of gases came from volcanic eruption contain sulphur gases and carbon dioxide.
(4)   Dusts from windstorms. Different dusts caused by wind storms also tend to pollute the atmospheric air hence air pollution take place.
(5)   Mining and Quarrying activities. Mining and quarrying activities contribute to the air pollution through the use of exploitive materials. Also mining and quarrying machines and chemical used in the mineral processing tend to pollute the air
(6)   Uses of chemical sprays. This is through poisonous gases and liquid are released into the atmosphere from factories, farms (agricultural activities)
(7)   Bush fire. Setting fire in the forest and bushes for clearing the area so as to be used in agricultural activities, construction of industries and establishment of settlement also cause for the additional of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, hence air pollution

Effects of Air Pollution
The following are the effects caused by air pollution.
  (i) Loss of biodiversity
  (ii) Decline of oxygen gas
  (iii) Depletion of ozone layer
  (iv) Led to the Global warming
  (v) May led to the formation of acidic rain
  (iv) Eruption of air bone deceases. 

Solution to the Effects of Air Pollution
The following are the ways to be used/ under taken so as to stop the prolonged effects of air pollution.
(1)   Provision of environment education so as to avoid air pollution
(2)   Enforcement of laws that prohibit air pollution.
(3)   For mutations of environmenlatal policies that emphasizes on environmental protection
(4)   Prohibition in the use of chemical sprays in any economic activities  
(5)   To avoid bush firing
(6)   Afforestation and refforestation that may promote to the increase of vegetation cover that may trap all harmful gases both from mining and industries.

C.     Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is the addition of different noises on the environment

Causes of Noise Pollution
Noise pollution can be caused through the following.
  (i) High pitch and booming music
  (ii) Motor vehicles
  (iii) Acropolises
  (iv) Machine from factories
  (v) Machine from construction sites
  (vi) Bombs from military operations and practices
  (vii)The use of explosive methods in quarrying and mining activities

Effects of Noise Pollution
(1)   Led to communication barrier
(2)   May cause for ear problems
(3)   Led to the mental problems
(4)   May led to the head-ach

Solution to the Effects of Noise Pollution
The following are the major ways of overcoming the noise pollution
  (i) There should be a frequent health check up
  (ii) There should be a reduction of noises in the environment
  (iii) There should be an alternative source of power in the factory in stead of using generator.

Qn. Describe the causes and effects of pollution and mismanagement with suggestive.

3. Land or soil degradation (environmental degradation)
This refers to the destruction of soil or land surface. This is caused by big construction activities, poor cultivation methods, overgrazing, mining activities and soil erosion.

4. Deforestation
Deforestation is the disappearance of trees. This is caused by poor cultivation methods, overgrazing, lumbering, construction, needs for fuel wood, charcoal and rapid population growth.

5. Global warming
Is the gradual increase in temperature on the earth’s surface. This is caused by emission of harmful gases (methane, hydrocarbon, NO2, CO2,), which present the heat energy from escaping in the space in the world. People add 6 billion tones of CO2 annually by 3 billion tones are absorbed by ocean and plants. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS).

6. Natural hazards
Natural hazards are like, drought, flood,

7. Desertification
Desertification is the sum of all process on the environment which results in the formation of desert. Or is simply the development of desert.

Causes of Desertification
Desertification is caused by natural and human factors, which they include the followings;

(i) Insufficient rainfall. Absence or low rainfall in an area may give the chance for desertification
(ii) High temperature. High temperature lead to the high rate of evaporation, hence may lead to the drought in an area leading to the (desertification) dry of vegetation
(iii) Cold ocean currents. Cold Ocean currents they drop moist over the sea and reach the land as dry wind, hence may lead to the desertification on the area.
(iv) Relief barrier. Land situated on the leeward sides on mountain ranges may become a desert because of the rain shadow effect of the mountain. Wind ward sides receive rainfall unlike to leeward side that may influence to the desertification.
(v) Vast distance from the sea. The land located far away from the sea or ocean that may have low or no rainfall. These places located away from the sea may become deserts because of lacking moist wind from the sea/ocean.
(vi) Dry wind system. The wind originated from the interior of continents can lead to the desertification of region over which they blow.
(vii) High pressure system. Areas that have high pressure system with low humidity, there is no. rainfall in those areas, hence desertification
(viii) Human activities. Human activities also may influence desertification. The human activities are like;
(a) Bad method of agriculture that practiced through;
@     Monoculture
@     Shifting cultivation
@     High use of inorganic fertilizers
(b) Animal keeping with over grazing
(c) Deforestation; that influenced by cutting trees for different uses like firewood, timber, charcoal also lead to the desertification
(d) Bush fires. The process of burning forests and bushes also tend to cause desertification.                            

Rapid population growth and rapid or fast growth of urban centers have the following consequences;
   (i) Lead to unemployment
   (ii) May cause to under development
   (iii) Lead to poor housing and health facilities
   (iv) Influence underutilization of agricultural resources.
   (v) Increased balance in traditional attitudes
   (vi) Reduction of cash crops production
   (vii) Increase in crimes
   (viii) Increase in environmental pollution and degradation.

Urban Growth
Urban growth has positive effect (advantages) and negative effects (disadvantages)

Positive sides
(i) Encourage unity among people. Because in urban centers there is high rate of interactions
(ii) Create   employment opportunities. In towns there are many sources of employment opportunities
(iii) Create markets. High number of people acts as the source of market for different business and services
(iv) Facilitate to the development of technology. In towns there are different people with different skill, which may influence for innovation and invention
(v) Facilitate to the improvement of social service. Growth of towns in relation to the high number of people in a particular town tends to enforce improvement of social services in relation to population

Negative sides
 (i) Led to the inadequate of social services. This is due to the high number of people in towns
 (ii) Immorality (decline of morality). This is due to the high interaction of people with different culture in the towns
 (iii) Led to poor planning of urban center. Massive population increase in urban centers may lead to the poor management and planning of the town
 (iv) Destruction of culture. This is due to the high interaction of people with different culture, as well as high rate of diffusion of modernization in towns


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