Etimologically, the word photograph is derived from two Greek words:  “phao” meaning ‘light’ and “graphê” meaning ‘drawing’ or ‘writing’; together these two words mean as to “drawing with light”  or “writing with light”. Photograph as other field of study has many teminologies used to complete the subject matter; the following are some of them defined terms as used in the study of photograph: Photograph is an image or picture of an object that recorded by camera and then printed on a paper. Also, Photograph referred as the real image of an object which shows both man and natural features as well as human activities taken by camera.

Camera is an equipment or device used in taking photograph. Film is a dark plastic-like material which can record images as photographs or as a moving picture. Photograph Reading  is the process of examination photographic print in order to identify objects. Photograph Interpretation  refers to act of studying a photograph in order to identfy objects and asses their significance and problems. Photogrametry  is a science or an art of making a topographical map from air photograph. Or, it is the technique of using photographs to obtain measurments of the photograph.

Isocenter is the point on photo that falls on a line half-way between the principal and the nadri point. Mosaic refers to a collection of overlapping aerial photographs which have been matched to form one continuous representation of part the earth’ surface. Photo Mosaic is the picture that has been divided into (usually equal size) rectangular section, each of which is top replaced by another photograph that matches the large photo. Photo mosaic also refers to the compound by stitching together a series of sdjucent pictures of a scanning. Also it is an assembly of series of photographs into one continuous picture.

Principal Point  (PP) is the optical or geometric centre of photograph. It is the image of intersection between the projection optic axis that is perpendicular to the lens. Scale ratio increases at the same rate in all direction from the principal point. Nadir  is the point vertically beneath the camera centre at the time of exposure.

Fig. 1.1: Locating terms that are used in Photograph

Camera Station  is the position of the camera situated or held. Terreoscope is the device by which two photographs as the same object taken at a slightly different angles are viewed together creating an impression of depth and solidity. Also can defined as the device fo viewing a sterreoscopic pairs of separate images, depicting left eye, right eye are viewed of the same scene as the single three dimentional images. Coverage  is the ground area represented on air photo.

Datum is a plane or line or point used as a reference point of elements (especially in measuring or determining elevations). In this, the plane determines the position of other elements. Altitude is the heght above datum, which is commonly determined by the mean sea level. Flying-height is the elevation of exposure station above the mean sea level (amsl) or the stated datum. Flight-line is a line representing the track flown or to be flown by an aircraft. Flight lines concet the principal points of a series of airphotos.

Focal Length  is the perpendicular distance along the camera lens axis from its rear nodal point to the plan of the entire field used by the camera (film). Resolution is the ability of the camera in producing a sharply defined image. Strip  refer to the number of photographs taken along a flight path. Tilt is the angle at the optical axis of the camera.


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