Mining is the process of extracting minerals and fossil fuels from the earth’s crust. Also mining is the process of extracting different minerals and fuels from the earth’s ground. Sustainable mining refers to the controlled extraction of minerals and fossil fuels with minimum environmental destruction. Mining industry divided into two major types, namely:

(1)   Metal mining industry.
(2)   Non-metal mining industry.

1. Metal Mining Industry: This mining industry involves extraction of metal minerals like gold, copper and Iron among others.

2. Non-Metal Mining Industry: It is the type of mining industry that involves the extraction of nonmetals minerals like salt, oil, and diamond.

Types of Minerals
Types of minerals are in three main categories:

(1)    Metallic minerals.
(2)   Energy minerals
(3)   Non-metallic minerals

1. Metallic minerals: these are types of mineral that comprises iron minerals. Examples of metallic minerals are gold, silver, led, and iron.
2. Non-metallic minerals: These are types of minerals that does not consist elements of iron. Examples of these minerals are asbestos and graphite.

3. Energy minerals: These are types of minerals that contain fossil materials. Examples of these minerals are coal, natural gas and petroleum.

Distribution of Mining Region in the World:
1. Coal: Coal is an organic mineral with a long history of usage by man. China is a leading producer of coal minerals in the world, followed by U.S.A, European Union, South Africa. Tanzania also extracts coals for some extent at Mchuchuma.

2. Petroleum: Petroleum is the source of heat and lighting and used for lubricants of machines. Oil produces; diesel, kerosene and aviation fuel. The leading producers of petroleum are Saudi Arabia, Russia, United Arabs-Emirates, Nigeria and Angola. Tanzania is also in expectation for petroleum extraction. 

3. Iron Ore: Iron ore processed to come up with iron, which is the most commonly used metal. Producers are China, Brazil, USA, Australia and South Africa.

4. Diamond: A diamond is hard types of stone, which is into various uses. Diamonds are used to cut glass, making rings bracelets and necklaces. Major world producers of diamond are South Africa (at Kimberley), Botswana, Russia and Australia. In Tanzania, diamond mined at Mwandui in Shinyanga region.

5. Gold: Gold is into various uses, especially in decoration, making rings bracelets and necklaces. Major world producers of gold are: South Africa, Ghana among others.  In Tanzania, gold mined at Kahama, Geita and Nyamongo.

Methods of Mining
The following are the mains three methods of mining:

1.      Underground (shaft) mining method.
2.      Open cast (strip) mining method.
3.      Alluvial (placer) mining method.

1. Underground (shaft) Mining Method: It is the method, which is used to extract minerals that are found deep in the ground. The method involves digging a deep hole (shaft) to the lower level in the ground.

2. Open Cast Mining Method: It is the method that involves the removal of the upper surface layer of soil in which minerals are found. The method is cheap. In addition, this method it is known as strip method.

3. Alluvial Mining Method: This is the method of mining that mainly used in extracting minerals in river valleys. This method is also known as placer or panning method.

Ways of Processing Various Minerals:
Mineral processing is the situation of converting mined minerals from actual kind into other kind ready for the intended use. The following are ways of processing various minerals:

Copper processing: Copper mined as an ore. Copper crushed into small pieces, it is then mixed with water in additional with chemicals into a floatation machines. Copper particles floats and are the removed. These particles are dried and sent to the copper smelters. Smelters reduce the concentrates to copper blister. The copper blisters used to trace small pieces of gold, zinc or any other minerals.

Iron Processing: The process of iron involves crushing the ore to get small particles of the waste rock. The product then concentrated to form pellets which followed by production of Pig iron that made into steel by melting it to remove all of its impurities after which small amount of other metals are added make different types of steel. There are four (4) main forms of Iron ore:
(1)   Hematite - This contains about 70% of Iron.
(2)   Limonite – This contains less than 60% of Iron.
(3)   Magnate – Whose iron contents is about 70%.
(4)   Siderite – Which an iron contents is about 30%.

Gold Processing: The ore is crushed and dissolved in a solution of sodium cyanide. This chemical dissolves the gold particle leaving behind stone and other mineral waste. The sodium cyanide solution containing gold particle is drained off and mixed with Zinc dust, which causes the gold particles to solidify. The particles are then melted and molded into bars called ingots.

Contribution of the Mining Industry to the Development of Tanzania
Mining industry has some of the following economic importance in Tanzania:

1. Provide employment opportunities: The mining industry act as source of employment opportunities in the country because many people are employed in the sector, hence solve the problem of unemployment.

2. Led to the urbanization: Mining industry attracts many people to the area, hence led to the growth of towns; for example, at Mwandui, Greita and Kahama.

3. Facilitates to the development of other sectors: The mining industry facilitates to the development of other sectors like agriculture, trade, transportation and communication.

4. Provides of materials: Products from mining industry are the raw materials for the different uses to human activities. For example, salt for domestic uses, diamond for cutting glass and gypsum for cement making industry.

5. Act as the source of foreign currencies: Mining industry facilitates to the country in earning more foreign currencies that are uses for exportation by the government.

6. Mining industry contributes to the government revenue: Mining industry is the source of government revenue that can be used in different developmental activities in the country, like paying workers, provision of social services among others.

Effects of Mining Industry on the Environment
Mining industry has some of the serious negative effects or impacts on the environment:

1. Cause for the environmental pollution: Ming activities cause for noise, air water and land pollution.

2. Led to the soil erosion: Mining activities may led to the loose of soil on the land that may be eroded easily.

3. Cause for deforestation: Mining involves cutting down trees, hence lead to the deforestation on the area. This leave the land bared with no vegetation cover.

4. Lead to the land degradation: Mining industry creates new features on the earth’s surface, like large holes, hence land degradation.

5. Cause for the loss of biodiversity. Mining activities may lead to the death of organism and living things due to the disturbances of the environment.

Ways of Minimizing Effects of Mining Industry on the Environment
Some of the ways of minimizing the negative effects of mining industry on the environment are as follows:

(1) Formulation of laws: There should be created laws that may ensure for the protection of environment against the mining activities.

(2) Provision of education: All those who will engage in the extraction of minerals have to be given education on how to protect the environment.

(3) Rehabilitation of land: Once the minerals are exhausted, the lands should be rehabilitated through planting tree (both afforestation and reafforestation).

(4) To carry extensive research: Before an establishment of mining, there should be a research of the place so as to make the players to ensure the protection of environment.

(5) Establishment of other economic activities: There should be an establishment of other economic activities in order to avoid much engagement on mineral extraction that lead to the effect on the environment.

(6) Prohibition in the use of bad method of mineral extractions that lead problems to the environment, like that of open cast method of mining.

Case Study: Oil Production in the Middle East
The Middle East is the largest oil-producing region in the world. The main producers of oil in the region are; Saud Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, and the United Arabia-Emirate. Others are Qatar and Yemen. Most of these countries in the Middle East are the member of the Organization of Petroleum Exploiting Countries (OPEC) which plays the great roles of fixing the oil prices

Advantages or Importance of Oil Production in the Middle East:
(1)   Source of employment opportunity.
(2)   Source of foreign currencies.
(3)   Promote to the improvement of social service.
(4)   Facilitate to the improvement of transport and communication.
(5)   Provision of energy and power.
(6)   Promote international relation.
(7)   Facilitates for the development of other economic sectors.

Activity: discuss for the factors influencing development of oil production in the countries of Middle East.

Case Study: Production of Natural Gas in Tanzania
Natural gas is the products obtained from fossilized organic matter. Tanzania has managed to extract natural gas at Songosongo at Kilwa in Lindi region. The gas produced at Songosogo transported by pipeline to the destination. Also gas is produced in Mtwara region.

Advantages or Importance of Natural Gas in Tanzania:
(1)   It is the source of employment opportunities in Tanzania.
(2)   Provides power and energy for different use; both domestic and industrial uses.
(3)   It is the source of government revenue.
(4)   Led to the low cost of electricity.
(5)   For some extent, it is environmental friendly.
(6)   Can be easily transported and packaged for different uses.

Disadvantage of Natural Gas Production in Tanzania:
a.       Natural gas is high expensive.
b.      It is a non-renewable resource, hence can be exhausted.
c.       Need a lot of money for construction of pipeline.
d.      In construction of pipe line leads to the destruction of properties with a lot of compensation.


1. Define the following terms:

a.      Mining.
b.      Mineral.
c.       Sustainable mining.
d.      Mineral processing.

2. Write short notes on the following:

a)      Mining industry.
b)      Types of mining methods.
c)      Types of minerals.
d)      Minerals processing.

3. Explain for the factors that influences for the development of mining industry.
4. Highlight for the general economic importance of mining industry.
5. What are the general negative effects of mining industry?
6. Discuss for the effects of mining on the environment.
7. Suggest for the possible solutions of negative effects of mining industry.
8. Shows the role of mining industry in the economic development in Tanzania.
9.  Identify the factors limiting mining development in Tanzania.


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