By definition, transport is the movement of goods and people from one place to another. There are three common types of transport: Air transport, Water transport and Land transport.

1.      Land Transport
This involves the movement of goods and people on land surface. The major means of transport on land include:

  i.            Human transport (human portage)
ii.            Animal transport.
iii.            Road transport.
iv.            Railway transport.
 v.            Pipeline transport.

Human Transport
Human transport is where people carry light goods from one place to another. Human transport is the oldest form of transport in the world. People they carry goods on their heads, backs, shoulder, or hold them in their hands.

Sometimes they can use wheelbarrow, handcarts or trolleys for easy movement. Human transport is common where other forms of transport cannot be used e.g. crowded areas. The following are the advantages of human transport:

1. Available whenever it is needed. It may be available in areas where other form of transport cannot be used.

2. It is very cheap. It is very affordable means of transport that can be used everywhere.

3. It is safety. It is safe than road, air, or water transport, because few accident occur during transportation.

4. It is flexible. Human transport can be used to transport goods to various places in and in towns and rural areas.

5. It complements with other means of transport. It complement with road and rail when goods arrive at a destination they have to be moved by people to the destination.

6. Does not pollute environment. It causes little or no noise, no smoke and no oil spills unlike other forms of transport.

Disadvantages of Human Transport:

1.      It is slow and tedious.
2.      Cannot be used to carry heavy or bulk goods.
3.      Depends on human strong and healthy.
4.      It is only suitable for short distance.

Animal Transport
Animal transport is the means of transport mostly used in areas where other forms of transport can be used alongside human transport (e.g. in deserts and mountainous areas). The animals used include camels, horses, elephants, donkey, and cows among.

Animals that carry goods on their backs are referred to as pack animals whereas those that pull carts are referred to as draught animals. The following are the advantages of animal transport over human transport:
(i)                 It is faster than human transport.
(ii)               It can be used to carry heavier goods over long distances
(iii)             It can be used in places with conditions e.g. in desert areas

Road Transport
Road transport involves the use of various types of vehicles, motorcycle and bicycle. There are weather and dry weather.  Motorable tracks are small feeder roads used by people in vehicles and on motorcycles and bicycle during the dry season. The following are advantages of road transport:
(1)    Many vehicles can be used. 
(2)    Road transport is quite flexible, because it connects many places and can be used at varying.
(3)    It is faster than human transport and animal transport.
(4)    Construction and maintenance of roads is relatively cheaper than that of railway.
(5)    Road transport complements other means of transport like air, railway or water transport.

Disadvantages of Road transport:
(1)    Road transport is easily affected by weather conditions, for example during heavy rain.
(2)    Have more instances of accidents.
(3)    Vehicles and motorcycles invite gases that pollute the environment (especially air).
(4)    Road transport suffers with congestion problems hence causes for delay and consumes a lot of time.
(5)    Needs frequent maintenance.

Railway Transport

This is the transport that involves moving good and people from one place to other using trains on rails. The following are advantages of railway transport:
(1)    It is relatively cheaper than road transport.
(2)    Carry both heavy and bulky good as well as many passengers.
(3)    There is low effect of weather condition on railway transport.
(4)    Recantation and maintenance not frequent as road 
(5)    Have little accident unlike to road transport.
(6)    Not affected by congestion as it the ease with road transport.
(7)    Modem passenger trains (called bullet trains) are very fast and efficient.

Disadvantages of Railway transports:
(1)    Railway constriction is expensive and takes a long period of time unlike road construction. 
(2)    Railway transport depend other means of transport, like road, human and animal transport to move cargo into the railway starts.
(3)    Most of railway transport is low (except of bullet trains).
(4)    Railway transport is not economical for transporting goods and people over short distances, and not economical for transport few or light goods.
(5)    Railway transport is not flexible.
(6)    They have few stations to serve the areas.

Pipeline Transport
Pipeline transport involves the movement of fluids or liquid and gases from one place to another through pipes. Such liquid and gases include; oil, water, sewage and natural gas. Pipes are made of steel or plastic tubes with an inner diameter of between 10cm and 120cm connected to each other

“Multi- product pipeline” is the pipeline that transports two or more products in the same pipeline. Examples of pipeline are the Tanzania, Zambia Mafuta (TAZAMA) pipeline. The following are Advantages of pipeline transport:
(1)    Does not pollute the environment.
(2)    No or low accident.
(3)    Fast means of transport (No congestion). 
(4)    Not affected by weather.
(5)    Can be laid on land, underground or underwater, making pipeline transport flexible.
(6)    Although the initial development of pipeline is expensive, the operation and maintenance costs are low.  
(7)    It complements other transport system.

Disadvantages of Pipeline Transport:
(1)    Pipelines are expensive to develop.
(2)    Pipeline can only transport fluid and gases only.
(3)    Leakage can occur if there is no clear supervision and maintenance.
(4)    It is not good for rare or occasional use.
(5)    Depends from other means of transport.

1.      Air Transport
This is the movement of goods and people from one place to another through air. It involves the use of aircraft, such as airplanes, helicopter and hot air balloons. There are two types of air transport, which are; domestic and international transport. The following are advantages of air transport:
(1)    It is faster and suitable in the transport of goods that are perishable and sick people and animals.
(2)    Air transport is not affected by physical barriers like mountains, rivers and lakes.
(3)    Air transport is conformable in traveling for long distances.
(4)    Air transport is good in time management.
(5)    Air transport is flexible as routes and planes can be changed when the need arises.
(6)    Air transport is convenient for the transportation of delicate as well as valuable goods because of its high level of security and safety.

Disadvantages of Air Transport:
(1)    Air transport is heavily affected by weather.
(2)    Air transport is very expensive.
(3)    In case of accidents, a lot damage and loss are experienced.
(4)    Need high trained personnel to work in air transport.
(5)    It is not suitable for transporting bulky goods over long distance.
(6)    It is only available to the places that have airports (exceptional helicopters).
(7)    It is highly dependent on other forms of transport.
(8)    It faced with security problems because it faced with hijackings and terrorist attack.

1.      Water Transport
This is the movement of goods and people from one place to another over water using water vessels such as boats, ships to mention by few. There are two categories of water transports as namely: Inland water transport which involve the movement of people and goods over inland water bodies such as rivers, lakes and canals and Sea or ocean transport which involves the movement of people and goods over the oceans and seas.  The following are advantages of water transport:
(1)    It is most suitable means for transporting heavy and bulky goods over long distances.
(2)    Minimal construction costs are incurred in this means of transport.
(3)    There is minimal congestion in water transport.
(4)    Some cargo ships are especially designed to transport certain specific types of cargo e.g. petroleum or oil, food stuffs, or animals.
(5)    Involves minimal cost for transportation of goods and people.

Disadvantages of water transport:
(1)    Water transport is one of the slowest means of transport.
(2)    Modern shipping vessels are expensive and port construction as well.
(3)    Water transport is greatly affected by changes in climatic conditions, especially in navigable rivers and lakes.
(4)    Water transport is limited to areas adjacent to water bodies.
(5)    It depends from other means of transports.

Patterns of Major Transport System in East Africa
Transport systems in East Africa mainly connect urban centers, and coastal centers that are productive areas. For example, the railway lines in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania connect urban centers as well as other productive areas to the coast.

Indeed railways were built to connect the rich interior of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Main roads also connect urban centers to rural areas through several feeder roads that are connected to these main roads. Railways and roads connect to or pass close to airports, seaports and inland ports, this because roads and railways are highly complement (with) water and air transport.

Importance of Transport Industry in East Africa
A good transport system is important for the social and economic development of a country. Below is an outline of some of the reasons about why transport is important:
(1)    Promotes unity and understanding. Transport system contributes significantly to unity and understanding due to the people to travel from one place to another and by interacting with others.
(2)    Encourages development of other industries. Transport network encourages the development of other industries, such as tourism, Agriculture and manufacturing.
(3)    Enable easy movement of people and goods from one place to another.
(4)    Influence development of settlements. Settlements are more likely to develop where there is easy access to transport routes and facilities.
(5)    Transport network facilitate in exploitation of natural resources in different areas then to be transported from one place to another.
(6)    A source of employment.
(7)    Enhances (facilitate) trade.

Problems Facing Transport Industry in East Africa
Transport industry in these countries of East Africa faced with several problems, including the following:
(1)    Lack of capital.
(2)    Lack of skilled labor.
(3)    High cost of fuel is the challenging problem.
(4)    Political problems. The three East African countries have been at peace for a considerable period of time but these countries failed to invest much on improving transport network.
(5)    Railways in East African countries have different sizes of gauge, hence make impossible for connectivity of three countries through railway lines. 
(6)    Presence of mountainous and rugged terrain in some parts of East African countries makes very expensive to build roads, railways or air ports.
(7)    Presence of thick vegetation in East African states makes difficulties in construction of road and railways.
(8)    Most of navigable rivers and lakes are seasonal (temporally) where as heavy rain and drought limit river navigability.  
(9)    Landlocked countries like Uganda do not have access to the sea or ocean.
(10) Frequently attacks of mass movement (landslides and mudflow), soil erosion and floods.

Measures to Address the Problems of Transport Industry in Tanzania
The following are some of the measures in which can be taken in order to alleviate the problems of transport industry in Tanzania:
(1)    Development of manpower or workforce for the various fields of transport and communication through establishment of specific courses targeting these areas.
(2)    The country should closely consult in developing their transport infrastructure   to ensure connectivity in all places.
(3)    Formulation of policies and laws that promote the growth of transport industry.
(4)    The government should increase its oil reserves so that to avoid negative effects of fluctuating oil prices.
(5)    Intensified revenue collection as well as seeking financial assistance from the developed countries in order to obtain capital for the development of the transport infrastructure in the country.


Qn1.  Define the following terms:

a)      Transport
b)      Air transport 
c)      Animal transport
d)      Water transport
e)      Road transport
f)        Railway line        
g)      Pipeline transport
h)      Human transport

Qn2. Write short notes on the following terms:

a)      Transport.
b)      Air transport. 
c)      Animal transport.
d)      Water transport.
e)      Road transport.
f)        Railway line.        
g)      Pipeline transport.
h)      Human transport.

Qn3. (i) Name the main types of transport in the world.
         (ii) Write five advantages of the types of transport and five disadvantages of these types of transport.

Qn4. (a) Describe the patterns of transport in East Africa.
         (b) Explain the importance of transport in East Africa.

Qn5.  What are the problems limiting the development of the transport industry in East Africa?
Qn6.  Suggest any three ways to address the problems facing Tanzanian transport industry


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