1.    Principle of management: Principle of sharing, Principle of freedom, Principle of equity, Principle of cooperation,  Principle of justice, Principle of planning, Principle of research, Principle of evaluation, Principle of flexibility, Principle of leadership, Principle of democracy and Principle of decisions making

2.    Qualities of a good leader (Leadership ethics): Should have a good physical appearance, Should have vision and foresight, Should have intelligence, Have to be competent in communication skills, Should be objective, Should have knowledge of work, Should have a sense of responsibility, Should have self-confidence and will power, Should be humanistic, empathy (stepping into the shoes of others), Should have dignity and respectfulness, Should be serving others, Should have justice, Have to be honesty and Should involve in Community building.

3.    Style of leadership management:
(a)  Management By Objective (MBO): It is participatory management of leadership in decision making.  Democratic (the decision is made after serious agreement).
(b)  Management By Walking Around (MBWA): Goes with the visit to various places.
(c)  Management By Exception (MBE). Involves a delegation of authority. A leader assigns responsibilities to other subordinates. This style works well in hand of empowered values. A leader should have to show trust and confidence on the delegated one.
(d)  Laiessez (liaises) faire. Allow or give chances to the workers to work by themselves. People who are given freedom must be mature enough, competent, and have experience in their job description. This style allows innovation and hard work. It may cause laziness and chaos if everyone does what is easy to do.

4.    Qualities of good leader/manager in management: Lead by example and good role model, Focus on results and deliver tangible outcomes, Communicate effectively, Delegate power to subordinates and empower them, Fair and impartial (avoid personal feeling) in handling issues, Build stem of spirit and encourage teamwork cross humanity, Have vision and foreside, Motivate, inspire and boost the morale of people and followers, Proactive (all initiatives) under pressure and not reactive (interfere with the issue)
pay attention to the staff and the development of the staff.

5.    Ways how school heads/managers extend their control over the subordinates to decision making: 1. Divide and rule: making subordinates not speak the same; 2. Cooptation: involve some group in the decision process in two ways, i.e. who support and opponents (who are very talkative); 3. Displacement: to bring something new in order to destroy the agenda on the present issue; 4. Controlling information: holding information to the subordinates; 5. Controlling meeting: through rigging the agenda (changing the content) holding the agenda as the main speaker, by not appointing strong and convincing people, and so on.

Mwl. Frank P. Karoli             0762 426 746                              © 2020


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