

FUND-RAISE 2 BOOKS PRINTING TO GIVE ORPHANS ACCESS TO EDUCATION Happily, I would like to extend my salutation to you as my friend (s) whom you are passing through this fundraising proposal for two books publication in order to give orphans access to education. By introducing myself to you, my name is Frank Philemon (a Tanzanian workman as educator, teacher and writer) a founder of NAXFRA MIXED EDUCATION ENRICHMENT as an ideology that aims to outreach multidisciplinary knowledge to the people through social nets, websites/blogs and books. I am raising money so as to publish two books namely A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY and UNDERSTANDING THE BUSINESS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP. According to the Xlibris Publishing House, this project of two books it might cost $1,000 and $500 per each book titled as an offer. Instead of outreaching and offering multidisciplinary education to the people, but in returns (sells of the book) the money obtained will be used for support


What features will you add that may increase the benefit offered to your target market? Will the organization use a discriminatory pricing policy for offering these additional benefits? Branding is one of the most important decisions a marketing an entrepreneur can make is about branding. This includes a description of the product and may include more than the physical characteristics. It involves packaging, brand name, price, warranty, image, service, features, and style. Brands are sometimes intangible resources (Brand names, patents, trademark, data bases, copyright or registered deign). It is among and the type of giving your business a name. Just pick a word and then make it as your company’s name. A good example of this is Naxfra . The value of brands in today’s environment is phenomenal. Brands have the power of instant sales; they convey a message of confidence, quality and reliability to their target market. Brands have to be managed well, as some brands can be cash cow


EVOLUTION OF GEOGRAPHY THOUGHTS   Evolution means changes that have taken place. Evolution of geography is the changes that taken place in geography. At the beginning geography started as a simple description and it is evolved up to complex discipline or phenomena. Changes in geography are challenges faced geography as a discipline.                                                                                                                                                  Geography like any other discipline, faced with problems in organizing materials and approaches. Geography undergone the following different (six) phases or evolution so as to be described as a discipline: 1.       Exploration Phase At this period there was industrial countries were exploring new lands in the 15 th Century.  Therefore, geography at this time people concerned where the materials are found, hence by that time geography was taught in order to know and collect information in differen

Notjohn's Self-Publishing Guide: The e-book template (full version)

Notjohn's Self-Publishing Guide: The e-book template (full version) : The template for an e-book is an html  package containing a  head  and a  body . Each can contain several elements. In my basic template, t...

Notjohn's Self-Publishing Guide: All about e-publishing

Notjohn's Self-Publishing Guide: All about e-publishing : What I know about publishing e-books through Amazon's KDP platform (updated August 2015): Helpful forums Amazon maintains the Kindle...


PRODUCT FEATURES What features will you add that may increase the benefit offered to your target market? Will the organization use a discriminatory pricing policy for offering these additional benefits? Branding is one of the most important decisions a marketing an entrepreneur can make is about branding. This includes a description of the product and may include more than the physical characteristics. It involves packaging, brand name, price, warranty, image, service, featur es, and style. Brands are sometimes intangible resources (Brand names, patents, trademark, data bases, copyright or registered deign). It is among and the type of giving your business a name. Just pick a word and then make it as your company’s name. A good example of this is Naxfra. The value of brands in today’s environment is phenomenal. Brands have the power of instant sales; they convey a message of confidence, quality and reliability to their target market. Brands have to be managed well, as some bran

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Top 6 sda songs 2016|2017 in east africa collection by adventist church ...





MAMBO YA KUTAMBUA (‘A’ TO ‘Z’) KWA MCHUMBA ANAYETAKIWA KUWA Mwenzi wa maisha Kumekuwapo na changamoto nyingi sana za ndoa na hizo changamoto zimesababishwa na kufanya makosa kwa wanandoa katika suala zima la uchaguzi wa wenzi au wachumba wao katika hatua ya uchumba kabla ya ndoa kuja. Changamoto mojawapo katika ndoa imesababishwa na mitazamo tofauti na utashi binafsi wa watu katika kuingia kwenye ndoa. Kutofahamu umuhimu wa ndoa katika wanadamu kumepelekea kuvunjika kwa ndoa nyingi sana maana wengi wao wameoana kwa kuangalia vitu, kazi, mali, sura, kipaji, mvuto, umaarufu au chochote kutoka kwa mchumba kama kigezo cha kumvuta na kuiingia katika mahusiano ya uchumba ili kuifikia hatua ya ndoa. Ndoa (kama tasisi) ni takatifu, na Mungu aliruhusu ndoa kwa makusudi matakatifu. Ndoa ya kwanza iliasisiwa na Mungu mwenyewe katika bustani ya edeni kati ya Adamu na Hawa (mume mmoja na mke mmoja). Hivyo basi mchakato mzima wa kumpata mwenzi wa maisha kunahitaji kumshirikisha Mungu il


Urefu na ubali awapo tai, huwezi kuona aina nyingine ya ndege. Zaidi ya futi 10, 000 kwenda juu angani kutoka kwenye uso wa dunia ni urefu mkubwa sana ambapo ndege wengine hawawezi kuumudu kulingana na changamoto za misukosuko, upepo mkali, mvua, baridi kali sana, kukokasa uwezo wa kuona chini, maana ni juu sana. Kwa hiyo maisha ya tai ni ya kusitajabisha sana, kwani yeye huwa juu zaidi ya ndege wengine wote. Lakini hata awapo juu zaidi hapotezi uwezo wake wa kuona mbali. Fudisho Tulipatalo Katika maisha yetu: Kuna msemo unasema kuwa “ndege wenye tabia na manyoya ya rangi ya aina moja hupaa pamoja”. Ukanda wa juu alipo tai huwezi kukutana na ndege wengine zaidi ya tai pekee. Kwa mtu aliyemakini lazima afanye, afikiri na atende zaidi ya pale wengine walipofikia. Kufuata mkumbo na kuiga mienendo, tabia, jinsi ya kutenda, kufikiri na kuiga maisha ya watu wengi, hakuwezi kukuletea tofauti yoyote zaidi ya kuishi kwa mkumbo.  Jua kuwa kila mtu ni wa pekee kwa jinsi ya ajabu aliv


Wakati mwingine watu hujiua au hujinyonga kwa sababu ya kushindwa kuvumilia na kuzikabili changamoto. Jambo hili la kujiua kwa watu wengine husababishwa na kukosa tumaini katika maisha, kwa kukosa uwezo wa kuhimili changamoto na ugumu wa maisha. Kutumia vileo, madawa, sigara na vitu vituleteavyo madhara na kuathiri afya zetu, hutukosesha uhakika wa kuishi tena. Kutojari kanuni na taratibu za afya katika miili yetu juu ya nini tule, tunywe na tuweke juu ya miili yetu husababisha magonjwa katika miili yetu, hivyo hupunguza uwezo wa kuishi maisha marefu. Kuteseka ni lazima kuje ili kuyafikia mafanikio mapya. Ni vigumu kuyafikia mafanikio bila kuteseka kwa namna moja au nyingine. Kupiga hatua na kulikabili jambo fulani kunahita maamuzi yanayoumiza wakati mwingine. Hata kama mengine yanaumiza lazima tukubali, kuyapokea na kufanya badiliko. Kuna muda, mtu hufanya mambo fulani kwa sababu fulani; kila mtu hujikuta katika mkondo au maisha jinsi yalivyomchagulia namna ya kuishi, lakini


R ais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Dkt. John Pombe Magufuli leo tarehe 26 Juni, 2016 amefanya mabadiliko madogo katika safu ya wakuu wa mikoa na amewateua wakuu wa wilaya 139. Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi Balozi John Kijazi amesema katika mabadiliko hayo Rais Magufuli amemteua aliyekuwa Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Sengerema Bi. Zainab R. Telack kuwa Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Shinyanga. Bi. Zainab R. Telack anajaza nafasi iliyoachwa wazi na aliyekuwa Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Shinyanga Bi. Anna Kilango Malecela ambaye uteuzi wake ulitenguliwa. Rais Magufuli pia amemteua Dkt. Binilith Satano Mahenge kuwa Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Ruvuma. Dkt. Binilith Satano Mahenge anajaza nafasi iliyoachwa wazi na aliyekuwa Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Ruvuma Bw. Said Thabit Mwambungu ambaye amehamishiwa Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu Dar es salaam ambako atapangiwa majukumu mengine. Aidha, Rais Magufuli amemteua Dkt. Charles F. Mlingwa kuwa Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mara. Dkt. Charles F. Mlingwa anajaza nafasi iliyoachwa wazi na Bw. Stanslaus Magesa Mulongo ambaye uteuzi wak